The Battle of Midway started with four Japanese task forces sailing to Midway from Japan. One task force was charged with invading the Aleutian Islands while the remaining three took on Midway Island itself and had to take down any responding US Naval fleet. The Japanese had wanted to take over the Islands from the US. The four task forces left Japan on May 28th, 1942. It was not until the 3rd and 4th of June that the action began. On the 3rd, the Northern Task Force started its plans to take over the Aleutian Islands, and on the 4th, at 4:00 AM, the bombing commenced. The first bombing of the Midway Islands caused heavy losses for the American fighter aircraft. By the time the second attack starts, the US begins to reciprocate the attacks with dive bombers and torpedo planes. As one of the Japanese aircraft was refueling, the USS Yorktown had launched US torpedo planes at them. Vice-Admiral Nagumo, the one in charge of the fleet, reacted by changing course, successfully evading the 1st USN wave. The first US wave (including the USN Devastator) is shot down within six minutes, concluding the US attacks by 10:00 AM. However, the follow-up attack went in the US's direction, filled with 37 dive bombers all armed to the teeth and fully fueled. They found the three Japanese carriers -Kaga, Soryu, and Akagi- and struck and sunk all three of them. An IJN bomber found and attacked the USS Yorktown shortly after, severely damaging it, but it still stood firm. The Yorktown crew had abandoned the ship, and Yorktown was being towed by USN ships, but it was later targeted and sunk by a Japanese submarine. In the meantime, the Imperial Japanese carrier, Hiryu, was set ablaze by the USS Enterprise, which then intentionally sank itself. The Battle of Midway ended with the Island of Kiska and Attu were taken over by Japanese forces.