Post Modernism and Youth Subcultures
Supermarket of Style, Polhemus
Accept the role the media plays om driving them
St John- Post rave techno tribes, groups of people brought together through festivals and social media
Created by Media and businesses
Political movement behind them that the CCCS presented, has been lost as youths are presented as individualistic and motivated by pleasure
Expressing more, more youth subcultures
Allowed to mix and be fluid in the neo tribes in which everyone is equal
Mixing from many different sources, ethnicity, gender and class divides as can mix and match identity
Highly criticised by the CCCS which was applied to postmodern theory
Becoming more fragmented, rapid social changed, globalisation, fluid and changeable 'electric'
Presented as individualistic and for own pleasure but CCCS said it was more political
Importance of consumism and the media
Talk about how youth cultures developed over time, not covered by other theorists
Diverse Subcultures
and Thornton- media drives the subculture that than the other way around argued by the CCCS
Emersed in media craven reality
Club cultures are formed within and through the media
Reluctant to give labels and resitrict their choice
Retro fashion not so important now, just parts of fashion and music
Can pick and mix identity's from fashion, lifestyle and culture
Style is more important than substance and fluidity and choice central
Do not want to label themselves as a certain sexuaility
Clubbers used subcultural capital to give status and distinguish themselves
Mainstream followers were defined as being more authentic
Formed through having similar tastes for things, subcultural capital
Not single, cluster relating to dance and rave 'taste cultures'
Has youth become blurred? Due to young activists and environmentalists meaning that you can be seen to make a change at any point in your life
Holland and Chatterson, become largely mainstream and corporate
Based on choice, social class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality do not matter as in the diverse world people are more accepting
Still formed in order to rebel before going into adulthoods as education and going to university has extended youth as now more people have acess to it due to student loans