1950 European Defence Community = Pleven Plan in response to US call for rearmament of WG/join NATO -> pan-European defense force -> signed in 52 by Benelux, Italy, Germany, France, but never came into force due to French National Assembly back off in 54 + 1952 E Political Community- also failed
1954-2011 Western European Union (WEU) = defence alliance of WE countries, main goal was to control the limitations of Germany, given by Paris Agr; ended in
1961 Fouchet plan - French initiative for "Union of States" - foreign policy coop, created on an intergovernmental basis -> not accepted
1970 E Pol Cooperation - consultations on int rel/foreign policy issues outside of EC inst framework => superseded by CFSP (codified with SEA 1986)
1990s (political change in UK - Tony Blair + crisis in Balkans - Kosovo)
1992 Petersburg goals (already articulated by WEU; incorporated to EU by the Amsterdam T) = Humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping, tasks of combat forces in crisis manag, including peacebuilding => partial merger of WEU within EU
1993 - CFSP as Maastricht 2nd pillar; based on principles of UN Charter, 1975 Helsinki Final Act, Paris Charter