Different Types Of Water Bodies

Ocean - Ocean is a body of water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere.

Seas - A sea is defined as a portion of the ocean that is partly surrounded by land.

3 Examples of river and streams

Lakes - Lakes is relatively a large body of slowly moving water.

The Southern Ocean

The Indian Ocean

The Arctic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean

5 Examples Of Ocean :

The Pacific Ocean

7 Examples Of Deadly Seas

The Atlantic Sea

The North Sea

Baltic Sea

The Mediterranean Sea

Black Sea

Red Sea

Arabian Sea

5 most famous lakes in the world

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Lough Neagh

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Superior

Lake Baikal

Loch Lomond

River and Streams - A river is a natural flow of running water that follows a permanent path, usually within a valley.

Ayung River (Bali)

Ci liwung (Java)

Cakung river (Bekasi)