-similar to hotels, except for their location
-Usually located at a mountainside, on an island,
or some exotic locations close to nature
-A more leisurely relaxed atmosphere distinguishes
most resorts from other types of accommodation
-Often provide extensive F&B and recreational facilities
(golf, horseback riding, trekking, sailing, skiing, tennis, spa)
exp: Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa,
Banyan Tree Bintan Resort,
Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai
what are all-inclusive resorts?
Charges a fixed price that includes most or
all items, thus the use of cash is not required
Each resort provides a list of services and activities in one single package price and this includes lodging, food, use of facilities, sports activities, games, and entertainment
This concept originates from holiday camps and villages such as Butlin’s in Britain and the French-based Club Med