Henry's relations with different countries




other (eg papal states)

Overall, bad relations with France
Henry invaded them many times, beginning in 1512, 2 years after the renewal of the Treaty of Etaples. This showed he didn't care for good relations and wanted more wars to prove himself.
Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520 was so that the French king and his servants felt like they were visitors in their own country

Rough wooing

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Auld alliance with France

Mary/ James marrriage alliance

Proposed Mary/ Edward marriage

Battle of Flodden

Relations were good when cordial with France and vice-versa

Long-standing rivalry

Battle of Solway Moss


Overall, Henry launched lots of invasions and wars, but treaties and periods of peace were possible

Marriage alliance in 1514 between Henry's younger sister Mary and Louis XII. Improved relations for a short while before he died

Henry was more interested in solidifying his reputation than actually keeping peace or subduing them completely

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League of Cognac- against Charles V. Henry joined it. Initiates bad relationships- fighting them without reason

When Charles V signed alliance with France and later agreed on Treaty of Cambrai Henry was isolated from these. They were a potential threat to him. This isolation from their treaties allowed France to undermine Anglo- Scottish relations

1534 rebellion - quelled with great difficulty

Gaelic lords received peerage titles

Charles v was the nephew of Henry's ex wife Catherine of Aragon which made their relationship very tense

Catholic/ Protestant divide


Rivalry from mediaeval ages - e.g. hundred years war, probably still from Agincourt

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Charles V at war with Francis I, in 1543 Henry joins alliance with Charles V. Improved relations due to common enemy

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Had been incorporated into the HRE

1538- Papal peace between France and HRE meant increased tensions for England

Went to war in 1528

Henry never really had any direct relations with the HRE it was always either a part of defense or fighting against France. The HRE was more involved in Spain over the fight of Italy in the Battle of Pavia

Relations were better between Louis XII due to the marriage, but with Francis I they were very bad, especially with the alliances between France and the HRE and trying to undermine Anglo Scottish relations by sending over a French Duke of Albany as heir presumptive of the throne. This was done to stir trouble between England and Scotland.