Upon arrival in the 3rd realm, the kids are found by Elliot and Ashley, recognising him, explains the situation. Elliot takes them to the city and centre of scientific discoveries and new arrivals, where he is working now. Beatrice enters, getting past him, and the siblings are forced to flee to the city of silence. It is difficult getting there, but eventually they make in, with Beatrice hot on their tail. They hide out a while, planning, and they hear tell of another way, the Second Tear, that can only be mended by someone who can enter both the 1st and 3rd realms. By the centre of the universes being stabilised with blood from both places, it will stop being hungry for more. Of course, they're not sure, and the only way they can know how to do this is to talk to the most brilliant scientist in any universe. Tony.
She gets an accomplice (maybe 2?) to help her kill Ethan and Noah, but they want to save the Third Realm too.One of them, however, is not a huge killer. He/she learns of Beatrice's failed plan and decides to take the kids into the Third Realm. He/she however, has never entered earth, and needs to find Tony too. The only ones who know his location are Ashley and Beatrice. They goes to Beatrice, and asks her about the location of Tony. She asks why they want to know, and they say that the kids may be heading there. Beatrice feels idiotic for not realising this, and she heads there herself, before they can stop her. They follow her, though they still do not know the location.