The proper understanding and use of statistical tools are essential to the scientific enterprise. This is true both at the level of designing one's own experiments as well as for critically evaluating studies carried out by others. Unfortunately, many researchers who are otherwise rigorous and thoughtful in their scientific approach lack sufficient knowledge of this field. This methods chapter is written with such individuals in mind. Although the majority of examples are drawn from the field of Caenorhabditis elegans biology, the concepts and practical applications are also relevant to those who work in the disciplines of molecular genetics and cell and developmental biology. Our intent has been to limit theoretical considerations to a necessary minimum and to use common examples as illustrations for statistical analysis. Our chapter includes a description of basic terms and central concepts and also contains in-depth discussions on the analysis of means, proportions, ratios, probabilities, and correlations. We also address issues related to sample size, normality, outliers, and non-parametric approaches.-p