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Identity politics, America returned to a time of “pre-identity liberalism…
Identity politics
Only by becoming a country that can accommodate diversity can the United States continue to grow and progress.
"E pluribus unum," out of many, one.
The diverse histroy of his family shows how America is the only place that could make the impossible happened.
Politics and laws are needed to recognize marginalized groups and their identities and strengthen tolerance.
America is only becoming more diverse and has to reckon with the identities of its diverse population, even when it's uncomfortable, to grow and prosper.
social media: By sharpening the existing inequities in the United States, it has inspired marginalized groups to organize for change
Fukuyama discussed about the dangers of identity politics by pointing out that the identity politics will have negative effects on economic issues, unite issues as Democrat, and making decisions as a whole.
A solution that Fukuyama has talked about is using creedal identities instead of pure human characteristics. His creedal identities is a vague idea, not necessarily just religious beliefs. He want people to form groups and identify themselves by their thoughts on political and social views.
Identity politics focused too much on cultural issues, making people look away from economic issues.
Too narrow of identities will break apart democratic societies into too many segments that makes hard to do collective action by society as a whole. (Fukuyama 1)
“The focus on lived experience by identity groups prioritizes the emotional world of the inner self over the rational examination of issues in the outside world and privileges sincerely held opinions over a process of reasoned deliberation that may force on to abandon prior opinions. (Fukuyama 3)
“identity politics describes when people adopt political positions based on their ethnicity, race, sexuality or religion rather than on broader policies"
There are no pre-identity politics, just as there are no pre-identity economics, in a country in which political, economic, and legal rights were only ever granted to some identity groups and not to others. The only thing new about “the omnipresent rhetoric of identity” is the voices that have been added to it, reshaping it in ways that alarm and affront those who used to be its sole authors
Those who do not agree with identity politics now are ignorant to the fact that this concept has always favored white Americans in the past and is now taking a new form to help oppressed groups of people
America returned to a time of “pre-identity liberalism,” because identity politics “absolves liberals of not recognizing how their own obsession with diversity has encouraged white, rural, religious Americans to think of themselves as a disadvantaged group whose identity is being threatened or ignored… they are reacting against the omnipresent rhetoric of identity, which is what they mean by ‘political correctness."
Does not agree with Fukuyama about commonality because America was built on separation of people based on their identities.
Abrams disagree with Fukuyama’s idea on economic issues that are make by identity politics. Abrams think Fukuyama did not consider the fact that social and economic groups have their own division and not willing to incorporate others.
American should need to stop thinking in terms of the representative common man. But should thinking about "inclusiveness"