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Fascism's Rises in Europe
Hitler becomes Chancellor
By 1932, the Nazis had become the largest political party in Germany.
Conservative leaders believed that they could control Hitler and urged President Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor which would officially give him power.
Upon his rise to office he called for new elections in an attempt to gain a parliamentary majority. Six days before the election, the parliamentary building, the Reichstag, was burned down. The Communist were blamed allowing the Nazis to gain a slight majority in parliment.
It's unsure who exactly set the building on fire, but more than likely it was the Nazis in attempt to gain more support.
Using his new power he turned Germany into a totalitarian state under his command
He banned all political parties and had opponents arrested.
Using his SS divisions, he had his enemies arrested and murdered.
What exactly were the SS divisons?
He quickly took control of the economy, implementing new laws banning strikes, labor unions, and gave the government full authority of business and labor.
Hitler then put millions of Germans to work, constructing factories, building infrastructure, manufacturing guns, and serving in the military.
This is an example of industrialization as Hitler increased the industrial capabilities of Germany tremendously.
Seeking to gain more control over the German people's lives Hitler went about turning every new source, and media outlet into propaganda machines.
Books that didn't conform to Nazi beliefs were burned, churches forbidden from speaking against the Nazis and children forced to join the Hitler Youth or the League of German Girls.
A key component of the Nazi ideology which they used to help escape blame was anti-Semitism. This belief held that Jews were inferior to all and were the cause of all of Germany's problems.
In 1933, Hitler signed laws depriving Jews of most of their rights, which lead to an increase of violence towards Jews. On November 9, 1938, mobs attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and on the streets.
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This became known as the night of the broken glass and soon lead to Hitlers "Final Solution", which was the extermination of all Jews in Europe.
Is this a remembered event today?
This is an example of change as before this point Germany had been a republic for a number of years.
More about Reichstag fire
Why might Germans have put there faith in Hitler?
They felt like democracy was failure due to the Republics poor economic plans which resulted in mass inflation. This left most people with 2 options: the communist, and the fascists. Some people followed Hitler to avoid communism, while others did because of his natural charisma which allowed him to seem like he knew what he was doing.
Adolf Hitler was a known political leader who disappointed many people
After WW1, Hitler found something he was very passionate about
After the war, Hitler was living in Munich and in 1919 he was apart of a right-wing political group
His group that he was apart of believed that Germany had to overturn the Treaty of Versailles to turn communism around
This groups policies were able to form nazism, which adopted the swastika for its symbol
Hitler soon became very successful and was soon the leader of the Nazi party
Hitler had a goal of taking the power from Munich in 1923, after being inspired by Mussolini's march
This ended up taking a turn for the worse, and Hitler was arrested and sentenced for five years in prison
Consequence: Consequence was a major concept presented in this chapter. Hitler received a consequence when he was taken to jail for his actions.
What personal characteristics helped Hitler gain success as a leader ?
A. Hitler had many personal characteristics that helped him gain success when he was a leader. He was a very charismatic leader, who was very firm in his beliefs. He wanted to try to make his country the best it could be.
Leadership: Leadership was a common concept that was presented in this chapter because Hitler was a very successful leader. He had many strengths that made him to be this.
The Nazis created a militia which was a private group known as the storm troopers
More about the Nazis
This group was known as the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party, also known as the Nazi's
How did this group complete this task? What did it all take?
He was volunteering at the German army and was awarded the Iron cross twice for his bravery
Why did Hitler enjoy doing this so much?
Hitler wrote a book while in jail called Mein Kampf, which meant my struggle
This book allowed for his beliefs and goals for Germany to be set aloud
Hitler announced that the Germans were a master race, meaning that they were above everyone
Hitler described the Versailles Treaty as an outrage and wanted to gain German lands back again
After Hitler's time in prison, he made changes to the Nazi Party
The people of Germany wanted a strong leader that would gain them a better life, after the Great Depression
After loans in America came to an end, the German economy collapsed
Hitler was describing that the Germany was crowded by too many people, and needed more room
He promised his people to get space through imperialism in which he would rebuild the military and would conquer Eastern Europe and Russia
Change: Change was a major concept that was presented in this chapter. Hitler told the Germans that he was going to promise change for them. This would hopefully help Germany to become an even better country.
Civil unrest arose and Germans now wanted Hitler to provide security and good leadership
Why did this affect Germany and its economy?
More about The Great Depression
The Germans ignored him until the end of the Great Depression
Depression: Depression was a major concept presented throughout this chapter. The Great Depression was talked about with Hitler. His follower ignored what he was doing, until the end of the Great Depression.
Why was he describing this treaty as an outrage?
He shared that non-Aryan races were inferior, which meant they were less than.
What did Hitler believe were the rights and duties of the German master race?
A. Hitler believed that rights and duties of the German master race was to eliminate the inferior race, and to make Germany full of all Germans only.
More about Hitler's Book
More about Adolf Hitler
Fascism was a new, militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader.
fascism had no clearly defined theory or program, which was unlike of communism, .
Facisms preached an extreme form of nationalism, which meant loyalty to one’s country.
They gave loyalty to an authoritarian leader which was someone who guided and brought order to the state.
Q: do you have individual rights as a dictator
Fascism includes a denial of individual rights and a dictator.
fascist parties were made up of aristocrats and industrialists, war veterans, and the lower middle class.
fascists did not seek a classless society. Instead, they believed that each class had its own idea and place
A fascist movement that developed in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s was the Nazi Party
More about Fascism
They believed that nations must struggle—peaceful states were doomed to be conquered.
Nationalism: Nationalism was presented with the idea of fascism because they had to be loyal to the countries around them
most fascists shared several ideas.
Does Fascism or Communism seem to be more concerned with the welfare of the people?
A: Facisim because they were classes in society. They believed each class had its place and part. It seems bad but it cares about the people.
Fascism’s rise in Italy was started after losing large territorial gains at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference.
Italians wanted a leader who would take action right away.
Benito Mussolini boldly promised to protect Italy by changing its economy and rebuilding its armed forces.
Mussolini had founded the Fascist Party in 1919, and he became very popular
Mussolini publicly criticized Italy’s government.
After a march in Rome, the fascists fought to get a different leader, but that didn't happen and Mussolini took the power over legally
Mussolini was now the leader, and he abolished democracy and outlawed all political parties except the Fascists.
His opponents were being jailed, and the Government was broadcasting only fascist doctrines
He controlled the economy by allying the Fascists with the industrialists and large landowners.
Consequence: Consequence was shown in this section because this was the consequence to his actions.
He used terror and violence to enforce his policies.
Power: Power was a concept that was shown because Mussolini was very attracted to power, and he was able to gain more of it.
More about Mussolini
He promised to give Italy strong leadership.
Why did Mousolini’s popularity increase as Italy’s economy declined?
A: Everyone looked for more hope as their situation declined so it was easy to like someone who literally promises stability
Leadership: Leadership was a concept shown when the Italians found a leader that helped them with their strong leadership