Need for alphabetic order
- Records:
a) serve as memory of org.
b) help bus. do bus.
2.Filing method/storage method:
a) Alphabetic.
b) Subject.
c) Numeric.
d) Geographic.
- Alphabetic indexing rules provide office workers to arrange personal & bus. names.
- Index: pointer/indicator
- Rule: established guide for action
Indexing rules are established rules that indicate proper location of record in file.
- Filing rules
a) Facilitate retrieving info.
c) ARMA's alphabetic indexing rules provide guidance
ARMA International: Association Records Managers & Administrators
b) Consistently following filing rules & procedures helps in rapid retrieval of info.
- Indexing
- Mental process
a). Select filing segment: complete name, subject, no./location
- Divide filing segment into filing units: word, letter, no./any combination of these
- Determine order of filing units: personal name consider surname (last name).
a) Way to code filing segment:
- separate units with diagonal lines.
- underline key unit.
- write no. above the remaining units.
- Alphabetic indexing rules 1-5
Rule 1: order of filing units.
a. personal names.
b. bus. name.
Rule 2: minor words & symbols in bus. names.
Rule 3: punctuation & possessives
Rule 4: single letters & abbreviations.
a. personal names.
b. bus. names
Rule 5: titles & suffixes:
a. personal names.
b. bus. names.
- Alphabetic indexing rules 6-8
Rule 6: prefixes-articles & particles.
Rule 7: no. in bus. names.
Rule 8: organizations & institutions.
3.Alphabetic records management
- Defining the alphabetic correspondence file.
Letter, memorandums & related doc., received/written.
File alphabetically:
- geographic.
- subject.
- name.
- Examining correspondence filling equipment
- top-access.
- side-access.
- top/side access.
- Examining correspondence filing supplies
Commonly used for paper records:
- guides.
- folders (suspension).
- tab (cut, position).
- label (drawer, shelf, guide, folder).
- caption.
- Arranging guide & folder
Straight-line filing
- Guide arrangement
- primary guides.
- moving left to right.
- secondary guides.
Containers used to hold & protect records:
- general folder.
- individual folder.
- special folder.
- Receiving & filing doc.
1.Time stamp- record date, time.
- Release mark.
Filing correspondence:
- inspecting.
- indexing.
- coding, precoding.
- preparing cross-references.
- sorting.
- filing
- Selecting storage supplies & equipment
Availability of storage supplies & equipment.
- vertical file cabinets.
- shelf files.
- lateral file cabinets.
- tub files.
- suspension files.
- carrousel files.
- high-density files-mobile shelf file.
- Storing other records
- catalogs & directories.
- large & odd-size records.
- mixed media.
- Unusual names:
Unusual spelling of a name.
Not commonly encountered.
- Alternate personal names:
A person known by more than 1 name.
- Hyphenated bus. names.
- Compound bus. names:
Bus. name made up of more than 1 surname.
- Abbreviations names & acronyms:
Cross-reference for abbreviated name must be spell-out.
- Alternate bus. name:
Divisions & subsidiaries.
Changed bus. name.