Need for alphabetic order

  1. Records:
    a) serve as memory of org.
    b) help bus. do bus.

2.Filing method/storage method:
a) Alphabetic.
b) Subject.
c) Numeric.
d) Geographic.

  1. Alphabetic indexing rules provide office workers to arrange personal & bus. names.
  1. Index: pointer/indicator
  1. Rule: established guide for action

Indexing rules are established rules that indicate proper location of record in file.

  1. Filing rules

a) Facilitate retrieving info.

c) ARMA's alphabetic indexing rules provide guidance

ARMA International: Association Records Managers & Administrators

b) Consistently following filing rules & procedures helps in rapid retrieval of info.

  1. Indexing
  1. Mental process

a). Select filing segment: complete name, subject, no./location

  1. Divide filing segment into filing units: word, letter, no./any combination of these
  1. Determine order of filing units: personal name consider surname (last name).

a) Way to code filing segment:

  1. separate units with diagonal lines.
  2. underline key unit.
  3. write no. above the remaining units.
  1. Alphabetic indexing rules 1-5

Rule 1: order of filing units.
a. personal names.
b. bus. name.

Rule 2: minor words & symbols in bus. names.

Rule 3: punctuation & possessives

Rule 4: single letters & abbreviations.
a. personal names.
b. bus. names

Rule 5: titles & suffixes:
a. personal names.
b. bus. names.

  1. Alphabetic indexing rules 6-8

Rule 6: prefixes-articles & particles.

Rule 7: no. in bus. names.

Rule 8: organizations & institutions.

3.Alphabetic records management

  1. Defining the alphabetic correspondence file.

Letter, memorandums & related doc., received/written.

File alphabetically:

  1. geographic.
  2. subject.
  3. name.
  1. Examining correspondence filling equipment
  1. top-access.
  2. side-access.
  3. top/side access.
  1. Examining correspondence filing supplies

Commonly used for paper records:

  1. guides.
  2. folders (suspension).
  3. tab (cut, position).
  4. label (drawer, shelf, guide, folder).
  5. caption.
  1. Arranging guide & folder

Straight-line filing

  1. Guide arrangement
  1. primary guides.
  2. moving left to right.
  3. secondary guides.

Containers used to hold & protect records:

  1. general folder.
  2. individual folder.
  3. special folder.
  1. Receiving & filing doc.

1.Time stamp- record date, time.

  1. Release mark.

Filing correspondence:

  1. inspecting.
  2. indexing.
  3. coding, precoding.
  4. preparing cross-references.
  5. sorting.
  6. filing
  1. Selecting storage supplies & equipment

Availability of storage supplies & equipment.

  1. vertical file cabinets.
  2. shelf files.
  3. lateral file cabinets.
  4. tub files.
  5. suspension files.
  6. carrousel files.
  7. high-density files-mobile shelf file.
  1. Storing other records
  1. catalogs & directories.
  2. large & odd-size records.
  3. mixed media.


  1. Unusual names:
    Unusual spelling of a name.
    Not commonly encountered.
  1. Alternate personal names:
    A person known by more than 1 name.
  1. Hyphenated bus. names.
  1. Compound bus. names:
    Bus. name made up of more than 1 surname.
  1. Abbreviations names & acronyms:
    Cross-reference for abbreviated name must be spell-out.
  1. Alternate bus. name:
    Divisions & subsidiaries.
    Changed bus. name.