Workers in the vineyard P.4 group 4

His parable was spoken directly to the disciples to teach them about God’s graciousness and the Kingdom of Heaven, yet this story of God’s grace and justice still applies to us today.

The story

He wants us to learn about how we should not be jealous but humble and not forget our promises

Jesus wants us to be grateful for what we have and to not be greedy.

The people are mad at their wage and blame Jesus

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the angry people asked for the same amount of wage

Jesus then reminds them that " so those who are last will now be first and those who are first will now be last"

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Historical info

Workers in a vineyard

“The master addresses the angry workers’ spokesman … hetairos.” This is a general

title for someone whose name you do not know. “Early Arabic versions often

translate this word, ya sah, which can be roughly translated, ‘you who are doing the

shouting’”. P. 361

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Abby is reading the story, Jackie is reading the part about What Jesus wants us to learn from the story, Josh is reading the historical facts, and Zack is showing the pictures, and talking about anything we missed. so that means that Zack has to share his screen so he can show the pictures.

In a Middle Eastern village there is a designated corner where people wait to

be hired. The practice continues to this day. It is a humiliating position to be in —

unemployed and in full public view.

The people are mad at the wage because the people who worked one hour got the same wage when they worked all day in the scorching heat



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What Jesus wants us to learn from this parable

Jesus wants us to learn that we are all equal and are valued at the same level

that we all get the same reward no matter how much work we, we all get to go to the kingdom of God after what we do what is required