A man prepares a great feast
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We should not make petty excuses for whenever God invites us to be with him, whether in worship, communion, or church.
Not all will want to join God when he asks us to.
I just got married
I just bought five oxen
Excuses made
I just bought a field
He sent out invitations to the rich and esteemed, but they all made excuses.
90% of the population
When the man heard this he decided to instead invite the poor and disabled.
The people had to be convinced to enter because they didn't believe that they were able to join the feast
10% of the population
By making these excuses, the guests were humiliating the host on purpose
This was not a valid excuse and would severe a relationship because none should but anything without checking it first.
The crippled and disabled were cosidered unclean, untouchable and outcasts.
This excuse is also invalid as no one would just buy five oxen without inspection
This "excuse" was highly offensive, the man didn't even ask to be excused and spoke of his wife very rudely.
Who did society consider clean and unclean?
The healthy were clean and the unhealthy were not
Males were clean, while females were not
Jews were clean, but gentiles were unclean
In the Middle Eastern village it's tradition for a host to prepare food based on how many of their friends are coming.
Once everything is prepared on the day of, the host's servants use the classic phrase, "Please come, everything is ready."
Stay grateful
Be prepared for Jesus' coming
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Overtime people didn't think that the physically disabled or the gentiles would be at the "Banquet" because they were considered unclean. But Jesus' changed that.