atropine (Atropen)

Mechanism of Action


  1. Increase HR
  1. bronchodilates
  1. decrease gastric motility
  1. Mydriasis

Administration Alerts


  1. antidote for anticholinesterase poisoning
  1. Monitor BP, Pulse, Respirations
  1. Monitor 1 hour before & after administration


PNS drugs dilate bronchioles, increase HR, & increase BP

Adverse Effects

  1. Dry mouth
  1. Constipation
  1. Urinary retention
  1. increase HR
  1. CNS excitement = delirium if worsens

CAUTION: Patients with Bladder function issues, or BP issues should NOT take drug

Treatment Overdose

physostigmine (Antilirium)

Drug-Drug Interaction

Anything that accentuates PNS lytic response (procainamide, TCA)

Herbal Interactions


saw palmettto increases effect of atropine

  1. Glaucoma Patients
  1. Obstructive patients (GI & Bladder)
  1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  1. Myasthenia gravis