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participants name | joining time | Topic Details | totalTimeAttainded
getMainReport(){ this should give all detail of SME's or Learners }
allocateAdminToMeeting(<<Pass admin(SME) Id/name>>){}
getMeetingDetailOfSME(<<SME ID>>){}
reallocateSMEToMeeting(<<meetingId>>){ SME should deallocate first if already allocated and then allocate to new one }
getAssessmentScore(<<meetingId , topicId)>>
getAbsentParticipant(<<meetingId / TopicId>>{ first collect all invitees and minus present one }
mapSMEToMeetingOrTopic(<<SME details , MeetingId / TopicId>>){}
findTotalHourSpentBySME(<<SME details>>){ it should give hr/day report }
AdminID | UserName | Password | AccessType[normal/super]
Meeting id | Topic | Host | List<Learners> invitedLearners | List<Learners> attendees | SMEdetail | dateTime
TopicId | topicName | durationNeeded [no.(meeting needed)] | Assignee[SME]
getReportByStudentId(<<studentId>>){ report - no.(session attained) + Total meeting time + topic covered + assessment score }
getUpcommingStudyPlan(<<learnerId>>){ result - upcomming meeting details + topics planed + SME details }
getAssessmentScore(<<meetingId / topicId>>)
registerForMeeting(<<learnerId , meetingId>>){}