KING IV Report on Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is defined as the exercise of ethical and effective leadership
by the governing body toward the achievement of the following governance outcomes:
Good performance
Effective control
Ethical culture
Objectives of KING IV
Reinforce corporate governance as a holistic and interrelated set of arrangements to be understood and
implemented in an integrated manner.
Broaden the acceptance of the King IV by making it accessible and fit for implementation across a variety of
sectors and organisational types.
Encourage transparent and meaningful reporting to stakeholders.
Present corporate governance as concerned with not only structure and process, but also with an ethical
consciousness and conduct.
Promote corporate governance as integral to running an organisation and delivering governance outcomes
such as an ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy.
Recommended practices of corporate governance
Governing bodys primary roles and responsibilities
Approves policy and planning
Ensures Accountability
Steers and sets strategic direction
Oversees and monitors