legislative branch congress

Bicameral (2


100 members based on equality (2 from each state)

house of representitves

must be 25 years old live in the state they were elected in citzen for for 7yrs serve 2 yr term unlimited amount of terms

montana senators

jon tester 2007 present

steve danies 2015 present

435 members based on population can change every 10 years

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matt rosedale 2021 present

Ryan zinke 2023 present

special positions


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begin each year first weak january

most work is done in committes each commite is in charge of a diffrent kind of bill

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speaker of house

elected by majority of the party members

kevin mcarthy 2023 present

president of the senate is the vice president

kamala harris 2021

has a vote to break ties

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checks on judical branch

can impeach judges

can reject appointment of judges

may propose constitution amendments

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checks on execuive branch

can override a veto 2/3rd majority vote

can impeach president

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can reject appointments

can refuse to approve treaties

can whith hold funding for presidential intiatives