Legaislative branch (Congress)
Bicameral legislature
Senate (100 members per state)
Must be 30 years old, live in the state they were elected in, citizen for 9 years, unlimited amount of terms.
House of repersenatives
John Tester (2007-present)-MT
Steve Daines (2015 present)-MT
235 members based on the population in the last 10 years
Must be 25 years old and live in the state they were elected in for 7 years 2 year terms un limeted alount of terms
Matt Rosendale (2021 present)
Ryan Zinke (2023 present)
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Special Positions
President of the senate is the Vice President
Speaker of the house house
Kamala Harris(2021)
Has a vote to break ties in the senate
Begin in the first week of January
most work is done in committees. each type of committee
Kevin McCarthy( 2023-Present)
Elected by the majority party members