Charles II electric boogaloo

parliamentary radicalism

foreign policy





charles is friendly with too many catholics - his mother henrietta maria his wife catherine of braganza, his brother james duke of york, his cousin louis XIV of france and alot of his mistresses - connection with catholics (and himself)

first conventicle act 1664 - due to the northern rising religious meetings of 5 or more people were forbidden inital punishment was a fine and after 3x it lead to transportation second conventicle act 1670 - reinforced the persecution of dissenter and removed some JPs who were judged to lenient in acting against conventicles

5 mile act - 1665 due to the dutch war any preacher could not preach within 5 miles of his own hometown

exclusion crisis!!!!!!

clarendon - selling off his daughter being used a scape goat

dutch war loss 2 & 3

french relationship - dominated especially after 1672 when hes under control of louis continuously

the french

hes using too much of it reckless with cash - stop the exchequer declaring himself bankrupt

clarendon code - 4 laws act of unity licensing act corporation act 5 miles act

test acts + dec of indulgence


secret treaty (sort of)

secret treaty of dover - keeping parliament out and if found out he will be told off lots

t&p 1.2 mill a year vs 600k abolition of ship money customs duties hearth tax (fireplacess)

no more parliamentary control

secret treaty of dover - stuck doing what louis wants

danby - in tower

cabal - splits and shaftesbury

600k bribe to get rid of james

parli is pro charles for much of his reign and they turn when james

division of groups whigs trimmers tories (groups not parties)

shaftesbury actions = new pym

party animal


toleration of religion - act of indulgence

test acts

reckless with money

religion - family doesn't want to die to be charles

selfish - sell his soul for money