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English Humanity- Ancient Greek legacies Amelia and…
English Humanity
Ancient Greek legacies
Amelia and Jacqueline --- Y7F
The forms of Greek drama and architecture
Definition: A genre of fiction that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter. Example:
example: Aristophanes which was a comedy writer, in his play birds, inside a king becomes a bird and discovers a city in the sky, and blocks the gods from interfering with the rule, and claims that he is the king of the universe.
Greek drama is an important piece of every city’s religious festival, the city leader then picks a play from the writers, and tropes of actors perform the play.
In plays there is normally singing and dancing, after the play there will be a contest for the best writer which will be awarded.
The actors are all men, even the women parts, there was vivid colours in the costumes and set.
example: Thebe is a play written by Aeschylus, in the play the grandsons of an earlier king of Thebes had 2 sons who cursed the city by disturbing the gods. The current king of Thebes then defends the city with help from his brother, but at the end they kill each other to each the curse.
mainly represents a dramatic downfall for a king or ruler, common themes are love, war, and hate
Greek architects design buildings, temples, meeting places and homes for the rich, using precise proportions to make the art perfect, using some architectural elements, for example a column, which is a design placed outside a building.
example: Pericles got architects Parthenon and designed the temple with the common design of temples (colonnades on all four sides), Phidias worked with the architects to design Athena’s life inside the temple and his statue of Athena is also placed inside the temple.
Colonnade: a series of columns. Placed around the outside of a building.
The triangular space between the top of a colonnade and the roof is called a pediment.
Philosophers examples
Wrote a history of the Peloponnesian War while the war was still in progress. Researched documents and collected eyewitness accounts.
Set a standard for the writing of history that is still followed today.
Thucydides lived approximately from 460 to 400 B.C.
He taught people to test their ideas by asking multiple questions, and has been known for his “question-and-answer style”
His enemies charged him in court for his methods making young people to rebel, even though he confirmed he was making people rethink their values and actions in Athens.
But the jury didn’t agree to his confirmation and sentenced him to die from poison.
He paid little attention on his looks.
Had many followers from his intelligence and communicated with leaders.
Lived from 484 to 425 B.C., been called the "Father of History".
He was interested in learning and recording stories about important events.
Herodotus traveled widely as a young man. He wrote an account of the Persian Wars called History.
Plato wrote mostly in conversations, between Socrates and others, since he was a follower of Socrates, which explored philosophical questions like Socrates.
He also opened a 900 year old school called “Academy”
He also opened a 900 year old school called “Academy”
wrote about philosophical questions of Plato’s classes as he was his student, he also tutored Alexander the Great for 3 years.
Greek's Contributions
e.g. Eratosthenes found an accurate guess to find the distance around earth
e.g. Aristarchus, tried to prove the earth revolved around the sun and the size of the sun, but so far his results have been proved false.
e.g. Ptolemy created a equation that proved earth was the center of the universe, which calculated the movement of the planets and was used for 1400 years, then new scientists found new evidence proved him wrong that instead planets including earth revolves around the sun.
definition: study of space, planets and stars
A lot of Scientists in Alexandria investigated astronomy
Studied geometry: Lines, angles, circles, etc.
A mathematician who organised about what was known in geometry and other types into a set of books called the
A mathematician who...1.Explained the law of the lever 2.Developed the compound pulley 3.Created a device to lift water for the irrgation
The lift-water device: A large coil open at both ends. Placed inside a water- tight tube. As the coil turns, it brings up water from a lower level.
A female mathematician and astronomer who... 1.Wrote about the works of Ptolemy. 2.Wrote about Euclid's geometry. 3.Led a philosophical movement based on works of Plato.
Needs to know complicated math to do their work.
Greek's Sculpture
Aim: To capture the ideal in their work. 1.To portray objects and humans in a perfect form. 2.Beauty and harmony.
Greeks spent most of their time in outdoor areas.
Portray gods and goddess. The sculpture often placed in temples built to honour the gods
e.g. Sculptor Phidias: A famous sculpture was used to honour the protection of goddess of Athens. 1.Used gold and ivory 2.It stood more than 30 feet tall. 3.Located inside a temple called the Parthenon.
First from Athens, then other greek city states adapted democracy as well
more fair (excluding citizenshop to mainly male citizens
The greek style of government adapted by many countries (e.g. USA)
Philosophy: The Truth
Greek thinkers try to explain the world using reason instead of myths.
serious and intense
Greeks developed philosophy, or the logical study of basic truths about knowledge, values, and the world.
How can a person achieve happiness? What is the best form of government? What is knowledge?
Are there basic elements that make up all matter? What makes a creature alive?
Now vs. Ancient Greece
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney.
"Excellence is not a gift, but a skill that takes practice. We do not act 'rightly' because we are 'excellent', in fact we achieve 'excellence' by acting 'rightly'." ----Plato (ancient greece time)
in ancient greece all adult citizens were required to be active in the government activity
in the USA they have representative democracyand no one is required by the law to vote for electecting a leader
both America and ancient greece use citizens to vote for officials.
Aristarchus once thought and proved the earth revolved around the sun
Scientists now and people nowadays believe that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun