Mind map to identify all the influences that may impact my solution. (this will explain, how and why these specifications will influence/impact my possible solution)

TA wishes

TA needs

The future situation that the TA finds themselves in

Materials to focus on




The aesthetic features that the TA wants to have will affect the solutuion majorily because it will shape the way the solution looks and how well it will appeal to the market and trends in 30 years

The colours and shades used in the product

Their thoughts on "sustainabile/recycled looking aesthetic

The style that they prefer (minimalistic, furturistic looking etc....

The size and dimensions that the TA want

Now we can only predicict what will happen in 30 years based on research and experiments however, things change and if the way I imagine society to be like in 30 years is diffierent, it will affec my solution because the problem it is solving could change (for example)

The ideal alligned spin/ posture for different ages could affect the solution if it is held on a persons backs because it wuld need to be remoddled.

The future ergonomics of a person (i.e) could impact the solution because the product would need to be designed differently to suit the persons body. For example if in 30 years everyone hands are used to holding a phone, then the product would need to adapt to fit in the hand


Target audience

Purpose/ function

Enviromental consideration/sustainability ♻️

Manifacturing methods





Markets and trends

The current market/trends will influence/ impact my possible solution because the current market has a very minimalistic and sleep style, which will influence my solution as it will have to be the same in order for it to be "trendy" and sell to the TA across the market

My solution will be used for a majority of my TA's day and its placement will in different places and in different terrains and this will impact my solution because my possible solution will have to adopt to its surroundings

My target audience will be of the ages around this age range which is from 12-35, however it can be for the upcoming ages too.

The target audience will impact my solution because they determine what the new trends are, what aesthetics they would actually wear and they also controll so many more design specifications.

This solution will be influenced by the safety of it too, because its purpose is to prevent further damage to you body and mindset by carrying a lot of (and heavy) things.

Global contexts (scientific and technological innovation) 🌍

A major element which will impact my solution on a global level is scientific and technological innovation. According to many sources including Britannica, in the future there will exist more technology than we could have or even think about. In 30 years, the normal technology for a person to have could increase, so I have to keep that in mind when designing the solution

One main problem, globaly, is global warming, pollution and most of all waste (which is causing a lot of the two things mentioned before). So the solution will have to be enviromentally considerate/sustainable.

The solution may be impacted by using recycled materials, as that is one of the current day solutions to reducign the amound of waste, however in 30 years this could change.

This is one factor that will defninetly impact the solution, because the solution must include durable aspects in order to achieve other design specifcations such as sustainability

The materials chosen will impact the solution because some materials will make the solution function better (by making it more stretchy for example), wheras some materials will make it harder to use (by usign leather as an example)

The materials will also have to be sustainable or even recycle for the solution

Well the TA essentially needs everything which is mentioned in the "purpose/ function" branch, however the solution will change according to the needs of the TA which is what the solution is trying to solve in the first place.

The purpose of my product will be something that can efficiently carry everyday items in a way that improves the overall wellbeing of a person, so that their belongings are protected, and to clear waste and storage by only having one solution for this problem instead of several for each occasion. The need that I will need to try to fulfil is for a product to safely and efficiently transport items to prevent them getting lost (and hence contributing to consumerism), in an environmentally friendly way. This will impact my solution because it will have to solve tghis problem

as the markets and trends change the product will have to adapt, which could competely impact the solution wether it be aesthetics or ergonomics etc... In order to reduce waste, the solution will be detachable, so that if one thing needs to be adapted or developed, the whole solution would not go to watse.


The 6 rs is reuse, reduce, refuse, repair , rethink and recycle and they are environmentally considerate, the 6rs are very important because it is almost as if it was a guide for us to design this sustainable lamp

The cost will affect the solution because the solution will nee to be priced not so high because otherwise students may not even be able to afford it.

The solution should not cost over 450 kr

The manifacturing methods impact the product indirectly by affecting the cost, because if a product is mass produced it will cost far less that if it is produced one-off.

The size is an influence that may impact my solution because it can not mbe over 2 metres in length for example. This means that my solution will have some limits, and will not be aqble to exeed or be smaller than that.

The functionality is very usefull yet basic which is neccessary

This will impact my solution because it will have to be designed in order for it to be picked up by the TA over other possible solutions.

The TA could wish for sustainable solutions which would impact the solution because I would have to research more about how to use waste materials, in order to have a good product that the TA would want to use.

This might impact the solution because if there is new technology that is affordable, the solution is able to use it in order to make the solution better.

Human interactions regarding ergonomics would impact the solution because ti would need to have technology for the human finger to controll a screen for example

The ergonomics would need to be focused on the Target Audience. These ergonomical aspects would impact the solution greatly because the solution has to match with them in order to keep good interactions between the solution and the tagret audience.

The extra additions to the solutions based on TA wished would impact the solution because instead of random additional features that I would choose, the TA would choose ones that they would use more. Therefore this would impact my solution in a positive way.

The sitaution fo the market woudl also impact the solution. As of now, most economies of several countries are struggling, and country relationships are breaking. This could affect the solution negatively because if a major exporter stops selling their products, then the cost of the solution wpuld have to be raised due to the cost of shipment of the natural materials, and if the cost increases, then the TA is less liekly to buy it.

As technology gets better, the product can use more of it, so this impacts the development of the solution because it will probably need to be reviewed every 5 or so years by the manifactures to see what technology can be replaced.

I also need to know what the safety requirements for a solution similar to mine are, as these impact the soltuion because the solution has to make sure it has all of these safety factors

One thing that will influence the solution is wether or not the materials we choose to use are usuable in the solution I am thinking of

The amount of time it takes to make one of my possible product/ solution influences my solution because if it takes a lot of time it may not be cost effectifve.