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Chapter 4: Levels of Analysis - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 4: Levels of Analysis
the State
the state
four legal conditions as outlined in the Montevideo Convention
other states recoinage the state
stable population must reside within borders
population should owe allegiance to the effective gov.
Territorial base, defined borders
Nation - state: the right to fetermine how and under what conditions they should live under natioanl self detemination, the idea that peoples sharing nationshood
Example of natioan state issues. palestinian and Israel. all claim sacred monuments. arab states intenselty opppose existance of state of israel. Israel has expanded terroitory
International relations Perspective and the state
Realist genreally hold STATIST, state centered, view. States are autonomous actors constrained onlly by the structural anarchy of the system
liberalism beleive that the state enjoy sovereignty byt not an independent actor. The sdtate is a pluralist arena whos fucntions is to maintain rules that ensure the various interest compete fairly and effectivelty in the game of politics.
constructivist seek the key concepts of fovern our conception of thyye state such as soveregigntyy and national interest as socially constructed.
Constructivists argue that the idea of sovereignty governs state behavior only because when states interact, they do so in a way that treats themselves and other states as sovereign entities
Theory in Brief: the state
charateristics: Sovergign bt not autonomous
behaviors: non consistent national interest, governmental and socvietla interest complete, characteristics of state matters.
Behaviors: Nationa interest identities socially constructed and change over time
Characteristics: States are socially constructed states have mult., identitifies
Charateristics:States are independent, single actors who are limited by anarchic system
Behaviors: goals based dxon natioanlinterest
The State as a level of analusis: Russia and ukraine conflict
Realist belive that detering ukraine to the west would help russia secuirty. States are key actors and national interest,.
Libs look at russias domestic characteristics, rather then power and secuirty. lack charateriscits of a democracy.
Constructivist highlight the identities of the states incvolved.
The Internatioanl Sysytem
Polarity in the International System
bipolar: power is within two states
Cold war, NATO and Warsaw PAct. Alliances tend to be longer. Each bloc is aware of the direction and magnitude of its biggest threat.
multipolar: any system where distribution of power is with more than two states
In a stable multipolar system balance of powers is needed. So states will go with each other in alliances only because there is a specific purpose , have a short duration, and shift according to the states advantage rather then ideology. When the aggressor ignores the understood rules, the system becomes unstable.
unipolar: one sysytem wherre the power to conquer all states is residing within a single state
1991 the US is argued to be unipolar once soviet union collapsed.
Hegemon- a term refferring to the most powerful state in the IR system. Hegemocic stability theoirist belive that it can bring stablalixxation in the IR community
Liberalism and the International System
Openness, rules and multilateral cooperation
Multiateralism: the princible of multilateralism achieved through international organizations and international laws. It supports economic liberalism and universazataion of human rights and global leadership by the US.
Rules and arrangements serve long term interest of the leading nation. internatinal rules need to be established.
realist notion of anarchy
Neoliberal, anarchic system, but state behavior can be coooperative as it is within the best national interest.
Interdependence and fluidity
interdependent sysytems with multiple and fluid interations through multiple channels and these channels connect a wide range of diffferenct actors.
The inderdependent system and various actors are respoonsive to and suffer costly effects ffrom the actions of others.
Constructivism and the International System
Reject the notion that the IR system exist objetively or gives rise to objectives rules and princibnles
Most accept the sysytem is anarchic, but states can shape the anarchic charater of the IR system
The sysytem share ideas that keep bal;ance of pwoer and stability in the IR system
ONe can only understand the order b y looking st the states ideas, idenntitiesd and interactions
Shift away from liberal democracy and multilateral institutions now and days
Change in the International system
Realist see the changes in the system can be reduced to the distirbtuoin of peace andd war between great powers. Wars are resonsible for such changes in realtionships.
shifts in technology may lead to a shift in the international ststem and whatever state can get with the program has the upper hand. IE nuclear weapons
technology can be a ahcnage in the IR system.
changes in the relative importance of diffrerent issue areas.
when new actors, MULTI NAtional organizations IGnos and other global civil societies augment or replace state actors.
cooperationg can effect change.
Constructuvvust: changes in the IR sysytem stem from changes in norms and ideas. Social norms being changed. change through international insitutions law and social movements
The Russia and Ukraine conflict
distribution of power in the system. Russia didnt want Ukraine to move to the west as it would shift powers . Seeking hegemony in the region, russia takes military action to prevent changes in relative power between itself and the west.
interdependendve betweeen the states . the trade agreement that Ukraine was seeking to sign with the EU as well as being apart of the NATO. This would decrease the level of interdepndence Ukraine has to Russia but also connect Ukraine own interest to those of the West. Seeking to prevent Ukraine from forming stronger ties eiht the EU russia took acton
distribution of identifies among three states. Russia saw western influence as a threat because the identities of the states involved iverged and in many ways were incompatible.
Realism and the International System
The key feature of realism in the IR system is that they feel that the system ins anarchic and states should be seeking power because of the anarchic system as power is the only true form of security. All states are sieving and pretty much independent control over themselves.
They are the second economiclly strong stae eith 9%, they are exanding thei trade with BR initiative , africa, and the one cjina polocy
they understand liberally order: support of a trade system and international organization systems. World Trade Organizations ( WTO) They also change human rights Development economically is the way to achieve peace No human rights or democratic reforms. Economic development will come first.
theory in n Brief : International system
Charaterixattion: Three liberal interprretations
Liberal interntional order w/ shared rules
Realist notion of anarchy but w/ possible coopoeration
States, International governmental institutions, nongovernmental organizations, substate actors.
Possibility of change
Low possibility of radical change; constant incremental change as actors are involved in new relationships
internatioan system exist as social construct; IE money
Individuals matter; no differentiation between international and domestic
ongoing interactions
Possibility of change
Emphasis on change in social norms and identities
Possibility of change: Slow to change when there are shifts in the balance of power and technology.
Constraints: Polarity;distribution of power
Characterization: Anarchic
Actors: state is primary actor
The INdividual
Thoery in Brief: the individual
Forgein Policy Elites
effect Ir thortugh choices made and personality factors
Pirvate individuals
Secondary role to elites and mass publics, but can have some influence
Can make differences in IR
May affect Ir thotugh mass actions that pressure state decision makers
Overall role of individuals
state are key actors and individuals are little impoottance
Mass publics
actions may be reflected in the national interest
Foreign Policy Elites
Constrained by their state and international sysytem
Private Individuals
have an effect only in aggregate as reflected in the national intererest
private individuals
actions of individuals less important than beliefs
mass publics
Agents of potential change though discourse
forgein policy elites
shape pop. undestanding of certain events though their discourse
can make a difference through their ideas and discourse
An example of how a individual could make a change is Mikhail Gorbachev. Deng Xiaoping established himself as the architect for the new economy in china.
The role of elites
Political elites play a role in the IR sysytem.
The influence of personablity and personal interest
Participatory leaders: emphasize the partici[pation with others in forgein policy making process, working with other goverments on the content of the resulting poloicy. Low levels of nationalism, les control of events, high need ffor affiliation, high level of conceptual complecity and low level of distruct of others.
Independent leaders: inclined to adopt forgein poliy that are unillaterally chosen and unilateral in content. High levels of natinalism, strong belif in control in themselves, strong need for powerr, low levels on conceptual complexity and high levels of distruct.
with the missing of institutional checks, personality characteristics affect leadership in weak democracies and nondemocracies.
The influence of information processing
Perceptions help elite leaders as a tool to help guide aboutnfuture expectaions and expedition planning for the futue. helps porvess info selectively.
Belief system: the worldview, relatively integrated set of images.
Psychological Mechanism used to process infromation
Evoked set
the details from the present situation that show resemblance of the past
During the Vietnam war, they saw the korean war as a precedent
Mirror Image
Seeing one sopponent the opposite charateristic of oneself. Opposing charateristics.
Cold war
Cognitive consistency
The tendency to accept infomration that is compatible with what was being previously accepted, even ignoring the inconcisistenf information
Military spotters saw unmarked planes approaching Hawaii. Not beleiving the evidencem they discounted the sightings
the tendency to strive of cehesion and somethines unanimity to achieve cohesion, not examining alternative policies
the bay of pigs 1961, opponets were ostracizxed from the planning group
The Influence of situation factors
leaders are able to yield significant influence when the political institutions are weakened, collapsed or young.
When insititutonal constraints are limited
The leaders affect course events when the issue or situatoin is peripheral unusual or ambigious
The role of Private individuals and mass publics
Mass Public: public opinion
Public opinion matters and can shift the direction of polocies if the public doesnt like it or likes it.
Private individuals
Malala yousafzai gained worldwide audience by describing the harsh life under the Talliban in Pakistane. Greta Thunberg adopted climate change 15 year old
Mass Public Mass Action
Individuals have a impact on the Ir sysytem Example when thousands were fleeing from the eastt germany which lead to the berlin wall.
International relations Perspective and the individual
Libs, mass public influiences IR
for realist, individuals are little to no importance
constructivist individual leaders hape popular understanfgin of cetrain event stough the disoucrse that they use to explain thsoe events.
Russia and Ukraine
realist: individuals are little to no importance. National interess defined in terms of a quest of power.
libs: leaders of the state do make a difference
Theory in Brief: Different Views on the International System
Key terms
Levels of analysis: Then internatinal sysytem, the state and the individual. Theoretical perspectives that help identify the key actors and what counts as a threat or benefit.
System: assemblkage of units objects or parts that are united by some form of regular interaction. In the IR world, systems are macro level.
Systems have a big impact on one another and their actions have patterns. The IR system, composed of states as interacting units impact units around them