Different types of assessments that can be used in the classroom.
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Formative and summative assessment (Lynette)
What the assessment is and why it is used:
Formative assessment is a planned, ongoing process used by all students and teachers during learning and teaching to elicit and use evidence of student learning to improve student understanding of intended disciplinary learning outcomes and support students to become self-directed learners.
An example of the type of assessment
Assessment During Learning:
Capturing ideas on a whiteboard
Responding to an online survey
Giving a thumbs-up or down in response to a check for understanding
Self reflection
Peer review/discussion
Tech like Kahoot or RAZ Kids, etc.
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Diagnostic assessment (Brian)
What the assessment is and why it is used: Before introducing students to a new topic, it’s best to find out how much they know about the subject. Diagnostic assessments are specially designed for this purpose. You can think of diagnostic assessments as a quick-fire method of gauging your students’ knowledge.
One of the most important benefits of diagnostic assessments is they help you to streamline your course content and teaching methods. In other words, you can tailor the entire pedagogy to the specific challenges your students are facing. This helps you to optimize your teaching model.
Examples diagnostic assessments: journal, quiz, interview, mind-map, survey, performance task, entry slip, pre-test, writing prompt.
Diagnostic assessment resources and links:
Detailed Explination
Video Overview
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Performance assessment (Court)
What is a performance assessment: It applying and showing one's skills and knowledge through various tasks. The main components for it are; complex, authentic, process/product-orientated, open-ended, and time-bound.
Why is it used: This assessment allows students to apply different skills to the unit and see their knowledge of the unit. It also allows the teacher to see and evaluate their lesson plan, and see if it was effective. This is all done by the students performance in the class.
This can range from creating sentences in an open-ended response, analysis in essays, lab work, portfolios, or any type of original work.
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What the assessment is and why it is used:
Summative assessments evaluate student learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at the conclusion of an instructional period, like a unit, course, or program. Summative assessments are almost always formally graded and often heavily weighted (though they do not need to be). Summative assessment can be used to great effect in conjunction and alignment with formative assessment, and instructors can consider a variety of ways to combine these approaches.
An example of the type of assessment
Assessment After Learning:
Instructor-created exams
Standardized tests
Final projects
Final essays
Final presentations
Final reports
Final Grades
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Assessment for, as, and of Learning (Robyn)
Assessment for Learning
Assessment of Learning
Assessment as Learning
These are not necessarily discrete approaches and may be used individually or together and formally or informally.
Formative Assessment
Formative, Self Assessment
Summative Assessment
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Think about why we the teachers need to make sudden decisions based on students' performance during class
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Think about what we do in the TEACH NOW program!
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Thank about the SAT!
What is it?
Assessment for Learning reflects a view of learning in which assessment helps students learn better, rather than just achieve a better grade. It is based on a belief that all students can improve, so it includes clear goals for the learning activity. Sometimes teachers need to change their lessons plans in site to guide their learning better. It is inclusive of all learners.
When does it happen?
It happens throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify student learning and understanding.
Why is it used?
It occurs based on the teachers' decisions during the class to enhance the students skills on each goal.
What is it?
Learner takes responsibility for their own learning and asks questions about their learning and the learning process and explores how to improve.
When does it happen?
It occurs continually when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and how to use assessment information for new learning
Why is it used?
It occurs to encourage deeper and self driven learning and learning how to learn. So, it focuses on learners & peers formal and informal feedback and self-assessment to help understand the next steps in learning.
What is it?
Assessment of Learning assists teachers in using evidence of student learning to assess achievement against outcomes and standards. It is supposed not to have any student involvement.
When does it happen?
It usually occurs at defined key points or at the end of a unit, term or semester, and may be used to rank or grade students.
Why is it used?
It is for grading or ranking purposes depends on the validity, reliability and weighting placed on any one task. It also provides evidence of achievement to the wider community, including parents, educators, the students themselves and outside groups. So it provides a transparent interpretation across all audiences.