G.Y - ADL - Dressing

Hi Mr. Smith, how is your day going today?

Mr. Smith a 79 year old man with advanced Parkinson's Disease stage 4, who lives with his wife.
Mr. Smith has been facing challenges over the past few months with activities of daily living, such as putting on clothes. He is currently not receiving any supports besides his wife helping him at home.

It's been a frustrating day sighs

Oh I am sorry to hear that, what made your day frustrating?

What does your day to day look like for you?

I am sure you will have a good day tomorrow!

Getting my morning started has been a hassle for me lately. Its been a nightmare trying to begin my day - looks down and frustrated

Well once I am up I wash up and put on my clothes for the day

What are things you are having trouble with in the morning?

I've been having trouble with putting on clothes or taking it off

Can you tell me what body parts in particular are causing you to face these challenge in the morning?

How do you feel with your tremors affecting your ability to dress?

Can you tell me what your challenges are with dressing and undressing?

its just my fingers, hands and legs, I can't stop my tremors.

How long do these tremors last?

Are there factors you think is contributing to these tremors?

Do the tremors develop gradually or suddenly?

I've been having issues with buttoning up my clothes and putting on pants. Taking it off is another struggle as well. Sometimes I try to wear something easy to put on but I can't keep wearing the same thing over and over again.

Have you talked about this issues your facing with your wife?

I notice it happens gradually over the day

I am not really sure, just feels like a long time.

hmm, maybe I haven't had enough rest. I didn't think about other things that may be causing my tremors.

How long do you usually take to put on your clothes in the morning?

Do you have any strategies to get dressed up in the mornings?

No I don't

No, I don't want to worry her

Maybe choosing loose fitting clothing or fabrics that do not create friction to avoid difficulties with putting them on. Also, maybe avoid wearing button up shirts. This can help with saving time and energy.

Are you on any medications ?

I understand it isn't easy to talk about these things with your partner, but maybe she can support you in ways your comfortable with. For example, preparing your clothes in the morning so that you would not have to figure out what to wear.

20 minutes

Maybe taking an extra 10-15 minutes can help ease stress to your day. So this way you won't feel rushed to put your clothes on.

Yes I am

Have you considered waiting a bit till your medications kicked in before dressing up?

No, but its a good idea.

Do you know what helps the tremors go away or even minimize the tremors?


Have you thought about exercises your hands and fingers, this may help with easing the tremors

it stops me from doing things for myself. I hate that I can't do the same things I like use too

Yeah maybe doing stretches would help

I know things are not the same as they use too. Its hard to accept these changes. We dont have to change your routine entirely but modify how you perform these tasks for yourself so your able to do it with no challenges

Yes I would really like that

For example; having a footstool when putting on shoes or pants so that this would help with your balance. You will not have to bend all the way down. Another strategy we can try is making sure things are within reach so you won't have to struggle findings things in the room, since its all in front of you.