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Challenging Student Behaviors and Theory-Based Strategies/Responses -…
Challenging Student Behaviors and Theory-Based Strategies/Responses
BEHAVIORIST - Seek the motivation; SEAT what does the the child need; Natural consequence, removal (CC)
BEHAVIORIST - SEAT- Condition- No rewards, Repetition. Over time the student will stop. JM
Humanist- Ask why? What are the students needs? Ask if you can help? Maybe arrange more outdoor play, too much energy. Play football games. Ask the student more questions if it is attention, Create an area where the student can build a tower and kick it down safely. JM
BEHAVIORIST - Calling out: Have students write down their answers instead of saying them out loud. (TS)
Use hand raising in classroom discussions. Ask students to Raise your hand if you like chocolate ice cream. (TS)
BEHAVIORIST/HUMANIST - Need to express emotion. Assist the stduent to work through their feelings and help them to correctly work through it. Also encourage them to apologize and congratulate them for trying to work through it and thank them for working with you. (NB)
COGNITIVIST - Understand the trigger. Model how they could handle the situation without pushing. Have them practice or draw a picture
HUMANIST- Remove student and give them space to process their emotions in the calm corner. Guide them on how they can express those big feelings. Encourage them to think about how the other person felt when they pushed and how they could handle it better in future. NB
Social constructivist - pair or group work, Students talk together and then later share their ideas to the class- JM
Distracting peers
Constructivist Approach - I will make the child think of opposite behaviours they could do instead of the destructive behaviour towards their peers. Make them do a list. Buzi
class jokers
BEHAVIORIST - SEAT (Attention) -Give them a chance to share one final joke to get it out of their system then tell them to save the rest of the jokes for break-time. If they repeat, I'll remind students of the classroom rules by eliciting them from the same student or peers, hopefully that redirects the classes attention on the task at hand- Buzi
Undiagnosed behavioural problems
Humanist (give personalised attention) - I had a student that had a shadow teacher in class for all his subjects. He was notorious for not doing anything in any of his classes and I guess has been passed from one grade to the next. I think maybe siting down with him during my free periods to do the tasks might have had some effect on his performance, and on the days he wasn't ready to learn- to give him choice in the activities I think he'd like to do. Buzi
using bad words
BEHAVIORIST - Providing positive reinforcement as an easily distinguishable reward. Be consistent in rewarding the desired behavior. Provide modeling and kind words and comment on other's behaviors that match the desired behavior. LD
BEHAVIORIST - Seat-attention needed and I give them a hug or remove them from the class depending on the situation. KH
Humanist- ask the student why they are upset. Read a social emotional book about why the students are upset. (example-start of school. read Maisy goes to nursery and llama llama misses mama) Talk about it and create a class routine to establish a daily pattern so they can know where they are through the day and when they can go home. Create a large time table that can be blocked out as the day passes to show the students progress throughout the day.
Refusal to participate
SOCIAL/COGNITIVIST - Asking questions about why the child refuses to participate. Then providing a lesson on why it is important to complete work/participate. Set the students up in Peanut Butter/Jelly partners and have them complete their work together. LD
Humanist- Ask about how the child is feeling and why they are behaving this way. Give them some space and time to calm down. Reassess with the student about how you can help or provide them with something they need. Let them know you care about them and want to help them succeed. Ask them if they are ready to try again and let them know you are proud of them for trying- LD.
deliberate messyness
destroying materials
Ask the student why they destroyed the materials? Have the student clear away their mess. practice using the materials together as a class with the student demonstrating how to properly care for materials. KH
Have a classroom discussion about Telling the truth. How do you feel if someone lied to you? Is it a good feeling or bad? HUMAN TS