Our Neighbourhood








bikes to rent around the neighbourhood

bottle recycling machines

everyone being able to access the same medical care and education no matter their background.

insulated homes

renewable energy- solar panels, wind turbines

free reliable therapy available for everyone

community centres, churches, rugby/football clubs where people can get together

Clean nuclear power station

leisure centre, physiotherapist and gym in the neighbourhood for easy access to fitness facilities

well being facilities accessible for everyone whenever it is needed

cycle tracks to allow people to travel by bike/foot easily

Welsh controlled single market

less fast food restaurants, more locally sourced food

Reopening of coal mines

only using an appropriate amount of agriculture.

More creativeness within the school curriculum

access to be able to learn about different languages and different cultures

having well connected housing in small communities

water refill stations available everywhere

less single use plastic as food packaging

fruits and vegetables not being packaged in plastic or non-recyclable packaging

gender neutral bathrooms accessible

Reopen coal mines to tourism

energy efficient appliances

having protected green areas, for example forest areas.

most materials being recyclable so that their is less landfill.

having limits on single use rubbish being thrown out.

having more sport opportunities

more facilities open to public that allow you to discover stuff within the arts

Having unbiased cvs

making sure all laws are for equality that allow everyone to be treated equally.

providing a space and platform for people to communicate and channel their voices, as to be heard and understood.

Encouragement of physical activity participation such as Sports as well as healthy eating. Done via Social Media or Town Meetings.

Local economoy flow.

Using renewable energy.

Job positions that are not based or required on a specific gender and allow whomever from any gender to apply for their roles if hey have the qualifications for them.

Cheaper gas, water and electric.

Provide education on both important as well as interesting topics in life for both the young as well as the older people who lack that knowledge.