The Curious Incident of The Dog
in The Night-Time (PART 3)

Special Needs & Disabled People

Education for Special Needs/Disabled Students

Awareness on Special Needs/Disabled People

Examples of Special Needs

Autism, Down syndrome, Dyslexia, ADHD

Definition of Special Needs

Particular educational requirements arising from physical or intellectual disability or behavioral difficulties.


I have a brother who has ADHD so I really understand how living with a special needs person is like

He has the privilege of having extra 30 minutes time for important exams such as PT3 and SPM

He gets distracted very easily

Less mature for his age

Has a rigid mindset

Creates his own mathematical formulas when solving mathematical questions

Very good at drawing and spends most of his time drawing anime

An unbothered and expressionless person when scolded or given advice

He has the Malaysian Disability Card and enjoys benefits such as discounted prices

Requires high expenses for doctors' appointments and medications

Honestly it feels hard to handle him but I still love him nevertheless

Stigma towards Special Needs People

Causes of Special Needs

Definition of Disabled

Having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities.

Examples of Disabilities

Deaf, Blind, Handicapped, Mobility impairments



Learn in special classes in a mainstream school

Has their own Autism schools

Special Education Categories: Learning Disabilities, Hearing Impaired, & Visually Impaired

Challenges: Lack of support, Insufficient teaching resources, Lack of staff

Also has Islamic Special Education Schools

Curriculum: One-on-one learning, counselling, classroom support

All education institutions (schools, universities, etc.) are inclusive places that are equally welcoming to disabled and non-disabled students

Most institutions have wheelchair-friendly routes around their buildings

You may qualify for extra time during examinations and support for classes.

Many lecture theatres and classrooms will have audio induction loop systems, so it’s worth asking if these facilities are available.

Your university or college may also be able to arrange regular meetings with a disability adviser, or even a local doctor if needed.

There are a number of UK scholarships and financial support schemes for international students with disabilities and special educational needs.

Disabled Students' Allowance ( DSA ) is support to cover the study-related costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.

Allow for children to ask questions because this will help to spread awareness of disability and help them to understand.

When you describe a person who is disabled, it is important to put the person first. Instead of saying “the blind kid,” say “the kid who is blind.” That shows that the person is more than their disabilities

Accessibility for Disabled People



Wheelchair ramps

Low staircases

Signs/Directions in Braille

Accessible toilets

Parking spaces wide enough for wheelchair users to get in and out

Volunteer as a speaker at special events.

Support Charities & Donate

Sign Petitions

may be left out of social activities, or they may find that friends become more distant after they develop a disability.

People with disabilities may be presumed to be helpless, unable to care for themselves, or unable to make their own decisions

People with disabilities may be denied jobs, housing, or other opportunities due to false assumptions or stereotypes about disabilities.

People with disabilities may be coddled or over-protected due to perceptions of their helplessness.

People may be blamed for their disability, or accused of using their disability to gain unfair benefits.

genetic and chromosomal conditions

certain infections during pregnancy

Exposure to medications, chemicals, or other agents during pregnancy

problems during the birth that stop enough oxygen getting to the brain

alcohol or cocaine use during pregnancy