Yassine Lab
The Yassine lab specializes in how changes in lipid metabolism and nutrition affect the brain and risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The lab has a specific interest in studying how carrying the APOE4 allele, strongest genetic risk factors for developing AD, and diabetes affect brain lipid metabolism and the response to the diet.

CSF apoE Isolation: Big Q


HDL Particles

  • In the Brain HDL Program, we study how a deeper understanding of brain apolipoprotein biology can be utilized to make that can slow down the progression of AD and vascular dementia.
  • We focus on a pathway to make smaller HDL particles, via ATP binding cassete 1 (ABCA1) and its capacity to regulate endosome formation.
  • Our research indicates that the formation of small HDL by ABCA1 in the brain can protect against neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in individuals at risk because of the APOE4 genotype.

Sample Processing

AD Biomarkers



Immunoaffinity Precipitation Pulldown

Ion Mobility: Define cerebrospinal fluid HDL particle composition, size, concentrations using ion mobility

Dextran Sulfate Magnetic Bead Albumin Depletion


Optimal sample processing procedure to preserve biomarkers for predicting brain amyloidosis

Animal Colony Maintenance

Mouse Genotyping

Human apoE Genotyping




Genotyping Markers

Latino Populations to Diversify AD





Training students and technicians


Rotary Evaporator







Blood Collection


HS Student


Rotating PhD Students


Main Goals

  1. Develop a deeper understanding of endosomal dysfunction with APOE4 and its relation to brain HDL and ABCA1 activity using basic animal models
  2. Characterize biomarkers of brain ABCA1 activity using CSF and imaging studies
  3. Develop drugs based on increasing brain ABCA1 activity
    4. Define cerebrospinal fluid HDL particle composition, size, concentrations using ion mobility
  4. Define post-translational modifications of brain apolipoproteins in cerebrospinal fluid and their effect on brain HDL structure and function :

Diabetes Brain Program

  • In this program we study how obesity and diabetes affect the brain, and explore nutritional and lifestyle interventions to counteract the effect of diabetes and obesity on cognition.
  • This program helps fill a research gap by studying the effects of diabetes and obesity on Los Angeles Latinx population.
  • The project takes advantage of the resources, population and expertise of the Roybal Dementia Program led by Dr. Yassine at the Roybal Comprehensive Healthcare Clinic in East Los Angeles in collaboration with the USC Alzheimer Disease Research Center at Keck School of Medicine led by Dr. Helena Chui. This clinic is run by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) and serves a predominantly Latinx population.

Q: Can high dose omega-3 slow down cognitive decline in younger cognitively healthy APOE4 carriers before the onset of dementia?

Brain Omega-3 Program: In this program, we study mechanisms of how to prevent APOE4 genotype from increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia using animal studies, brain imaging and clinical trials by focusing on fatty acid brain metabolism and neuroinflammation.