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My Uploads [My Arts] Pro Feature, OLD to NEW, My Design, Sign In Create…
My Uploads
[My Arts]
Pro Feature
Insert Image
Without Purchase Can't Add
Add / Upload Image With Sign In [Offline].
Internet should OFF.
Should Add Image with Upload icon.
When Clicking on Uplaod icon should not MSG: "Brochure Maker is Unble to connect with Internet."
When Turn On internet and clicking on Upload icon image should upload.
When tapping image to a user should show "No internet message". should not add images on canvas.
Should not remove uploaded content when internet is OFF.
Add / Upload Image With Sign In. [Online]
When clicking on Upload button should open Photos.
Options: Photos, Camera, Files
Photos: Max 10 Image.
Camera : Single Image.
FIles : Single Image.
Extension : SVG is not allowed
Should Add selected image when clicking on 'ADD'.
If is there any issue is occur while uploading and image uploading is not being Done should show Retry icon & txt on image.
=> When clcik on Retry image Uploading should start.
Turn off Internet while Uploading is in progress. Should stop uploading and show Retry on remaining Image.
Should start uploading of image when Click on retry.
Should not take time to Add image to canvas when tap on image to Add.
Minimize the App while Uplaoding images.
Close App from background while Uploading is in progress.
Open App again and upload it, it should be uploaded.
Should not show Duplicate images on the My Upload screen in any of the cases.
While Uploading is in progress Minimize the App and turn off the internet.
While Uploading Images minimize the App and close it from background.
Uninstall the App and install again and check all data should be get as it is.
If Purchase is complete and PRT or perform any Cloud Related Operation should Ask to Purchase first.
App is purchased and signed in
Open Fresh App: Sign In to Acc. => Open any template and choose My Upload => Upload Images and then tap on any uploaded image to add on canvas => Again Open My Upload screen and check
: Should not show Blank white screen should show uploaded Images.
Add High-resolution images ex: 5000X5000 or more and Add it on canvas.
Result: should add image on canvas.
Should not show Uploading in infinite on Image.
CHeck with slow internet.
Do PTR while uplaoding images.
Verify Image Select / Deselect
Tap and Hold On image Will Open 2 option 1. Seelct 2. Delete.
When choosing select option => Should Select the image with the selection View.
From Top bar, if click on Radio button should select all the images and Selection count should update.
If selection images 1 by one then selection count changes accordingly.
If tap on seelcted image should remove seelction and should decreas the count of seelction.
From Bottom Bar if
images are not selected
then should show option : Select All & Delete All
From Bottom Bar if 1 or more images are selected then should show option: Select All & Delete.
From Bottom Bar if
All images are selected
then should show option: Deselect All & Delete All
If 1 image is selected and deselected is an image the selection view should not Remove.
Selection View Should remov when Clcik on "<" button.
Selection should not remove while scrolling to any where on screen.
Also when minimize the screen.
Check selection using 2 finger gestures at a time should select 1 image Only.
PTR should not be working when selection view is present.
When All image is selected and if remove selection from any image should show Delete instead of Delete All.
If there is no selected image and click on Delete All the should show selection on all images, Selection count should Update and also show Delete Alert with option Cancel & Delete All.
Cancel : Should remove selection and update count.
Delete All : Should Delete All images.
After PTR when selecting any image and then selecting All should select only page 1 data.
Screen Should not Scroll while select / De-select.
Select Image while is it uplaoding and then seelct all and check the seelction.
Should seelct all the images.
Add / Upload Image Without Sign. [Online].
When clicking on Upload button should open Photos.
Options: Photos, Camera, Files
Photos: Max 10 Image.
Camera : Single Image.
FIles : Single Image.
Extension : SVG is not allowed
Should Add selected image when clicking on 'ADD'.
Should not add images multiple times when clicking on 'ADD' multiple times.
'Added Image should show with Upload icon.'
Should Add an image on Canvas when Tap on Image to add it on canvas.
When Click on Uplad iocn should Show Sign In dialog.
While Sign In processing turn off the Inernet.
Pull to Refresh [PTR]
Used to get New Data from Server
When Scroll to down from the top of the screen will show a losing indicator. at that time if there is any new data is available will get.
=> To getting New data from server PTR is mandatory.
In Offline if PRT should not MSG: "Brochure Maker is Unable to connect with Internet" And should not get / Use any server data.
If the User Is not signed In and PTR is on the screen should shoe the Sign In Pop-Up. [My Design]
IF Purchase plan is expired and tries to PTR then should ask to an Upgrade Alert.
Delete Acount from Device A and Do PRT on Device B
=> Should show Error message and remove all the things.
Other Scenario
Check All the scenarios with Multipage.
Upload Design. Font, Images => Uninstall App => Reinstall and sign in with Same ID.
Result: Should get all data same As Before.
Two Device Scenarios
Account : A [Device A, B]
Upload Image From Device A.
=> Should Get uploaded image On device B. [Should be Usable].
Should not sign in Device A&B => Add 10 Images on both device.
Start Uploading Image from both Device at a same Time.
Result : After complete Uplding on PRT sequence should be Same on both Device.
Upload images from device A then without PTR Upload image in device B and check in Device B getting imaged uploaded from A or not.
Add image from Device A => on device B Add image wihout donig PRT and check getting uploaded image from device A or not.
Check same scenario for Delete.
After Purchase Expired.
Shoud show Pro icon on Add Image / Add fonts button.
When trying to Upload Or Use any cloud data should show an upgrade Dialog.
Delete Image
Delete Image [Online].
Verify delete single image.
Delete Image without selection.
Tap and Hold On image and select delete option, Image should delete.
Seelct image ans then Dleete it.
Tap and Hold on Image and choose seelct option, Will show Dlete Option at Bottom Right Corner click on this and Confirm Delete from Delete Alert.
Delete All Images.
'Select All' and click on 'Delete All', should show Delete Alert, and click on Delete All.
Result => Should Delete All images and show Empty View on Screen.
A deleted image should not show on My uploads in any case.
The deleted images should delete also be form the server.
Delete Image [Offline]
Should not allow to Use Uploaded image. Should show offline message.
When Delete Image in Offline should show Offline MDG and images hsould not delte even if when connected to the internet.
Add image to canvas and delete it then Uninstall the App and re-install App and check it.
=> Template should open.
Verify delete uplaoded image after purchase expired.
Result : should not allow to delete should ask to purchase.
Verify Delete not uploded image after expired purchase.
Should delete Image.
My Upload
Pagination 1 page 40 images.
If the Purchase is expired then user can use any Cloud data needed to purchase again.
At a time Max 10 Image is uploaded.
Maximum image size should be Uploaded 5MB if image > 5MB compress & upload it.
Image should add on canvas immediately when tap on image to add in any scenario.
OLD to New
The image sequence should not Change when updated to New.
All images should show with the Upload icon at Top left corner.
Frame Image
Erased, Replace, rotation, size, Crop, color, opacity, and Position should be the same As in the OLD App.
Edit, 3D Rotation, Size, Font, COlor, Shadow, Style, Autoparagraph, Opacity, Letter Space Line Space, and Link.
Replace, Edit, Crop, Erase,
Upload icon should show at top-left corner of the image.
Image should set in fix size of the image view in 3 columns.
My Design template Meatball icon options should be Updated and should not show an OLD Option in any case.
Without Upload Cards create new Card and upload it.
Create without sign IN
Create With Sign In.
Rename without uploaded card and check the sequence.
Check My Design All Function on without uploaded cards.
Add templates to a folder without upload to cloud. and check the Mor option.
Add Custom Fonts.[30min]
Use Custom font without Upload ad get a template in Another Device
Add Brand fonts => after updating App brand font should show on panel.
Apply added custom font => update the app and check the selection should show on applied fonts.
Sticker / Image
Frame IMG
Remove All frame image -autosave / save / draft
Replace img / apply color /
Apply Crop / Erase
Myb Arts added image sequence should be same As OLD should not change.
After updating app all imageshould show with the upload icon. at the top left corner.
When adding new image after updating App shoudl show at top in list.
Apply all the background options and verify after Updating New App.
If purchased then should not ask to upgrade.
When Open App after Update Should show What's New Dialog.
All templates, My Arts Images, and Custom Fonts if available should show With Upload icon.
After Updating to NEW
without upload design , image , font add new data and check sequence.
My Design
My Design
Verify Without Uplaod
Meatball icon Options:
When template is not Uploaded to cloud must show this options only.
Verify Uplaoded Card
Meatball icon Options :
Add to Folder
After uploading template to cloud must show this options.
When Design is Added to Folder
Move to Folder
Remove From FOlder
When template is added to Folder then must show this options.
Toast : Design name updated succesfullt.
When Open tempalte Id template is autosaved then only shows Edit preview screen else should redirect to editor directly.
Add design to folder when no folder created.
Rename Design
When click on rename should open Rename dialog with default Name "Untitled Design"
Rename saved / draft / autosave design.
After Purchase Expire.
Duplicate any uploaded card and click on Upload => Complete the process and check it should upload properly.
Uplaod design with Sign In [Offline]
Upload design With Sign In Online
Uplaod Design Without Sign
Device A auto-save uploaded tempalte => Device B add the same teplate in Folder.
Upload 1 template
Now Autosave template from Device A then rename it from Device B
Result =>
Should have 1 uploaded template.
1 : Device A : Open template. And change something and auto-save it Close App
2 : Devcie B : Rename the same template
3 : Do PTR in device A and check the the template.
Apply all types of background, Upload it.
Design should upload.
issue : Unable to upload design having gradient background.
Close App, while Uploading is in-progress and open App again, and check the template, is uploaded or not.
Result => template should upload after reopening App.
After perform this scenario also check the data on server is uploaded proper or not should not miss any resource on server.
Save 1 tempalte will upload to cloud. => Back from success to editor => without any chnages clcik on '<' from editor => GO to My Desing and chek the Uploading the tempalte.
Here tmepalte si uploaded once exported still uploading again even there is not any chnage in the design.
My Design + My Folder
Add 1 design to any folder and then
it from My Design
=> Design should duplicate on My Design only, Should not Duplicate to Folder.
Design should update properly in My Folder when Update from My design and vice versa.
Rename: Name of the design should update properly to My Folder when Update From My Design and check vice versa.
Duplicate design is not added to a folder
=> Duplicated design should show only on My design list, and should not show in any folder.
Duplicate Design which is already added to Folder
=> Duplicated design should show only on My design list, and should not show in a folder in which original is added or else not whole be shown in any other folder.
When design add to folder from My Folder then Meatball icon option should update respectively.
Save Desifn => Rname it => Add to Folder => Check the Design in My Design.
My Design Search
When click on search should open keyboard.
Should show search result.
When close search should show My design screen as it is.
As per typed character search result should update.
When Remove search word should show result according.
Click on 'x' or clear button should close the search box.
Android Issue
My Design Upladin status :
1. Offline [Not Uploaded]
Design saved without sign-in OR Old version showing in offline sowing with Upload icon.
2. Uploaded
Design saved after signing or uploaded manually successfully to cloud. Not showing any icons.
3. Uploading
Saving design to cloud showing uploading icon on design. [At a times 1 design only].
4. Pending
When uploading more than 1 design at a time one design is uploading another shows as pending with QUEUE icon.
All the pending designs should upload one by one and if is there any issue in uploading should show retry.
5. Retry
When uploading failed then should show retry icon on design.
My Folder
Create Folder
Add Design Without Sign In with Purchase
=> Should Show Empty View.
=> Should Ask to Sign In when clicking on 'Add Folder' button.
OLD to NEW [OLD / NEW User]:
Must show Empty View As User have not Sign In.
Add Design After Sign In
=> Sign in button should remove immediately.
=> Should show Add Folder Button.
Add Design If purchase Expired.
=> Should show Pro icon on Add Folder button.
Click On Add Folder button.
=> Should show New Folder create Dialog.
[Enable by default]
[Disable till Folder Name is not added].
After Adding Folder name if clicking on cancel should Not Add a Folder. and should close the Alert view.
Add Folder name and click on 'Add' should Create Folder with Count 0 [EX: Test(0) ].
Toast : Folder created successfully.
Tap on Folder to View.
If there is no design is added in Folder should show Empty VIew.
If a design is added should show respectively in list.
Folder not have design.
Meatball icon options :
Add Designs
Rename Folder
Delete Folder
Verify the Particular Folder.
Tap on any Folder to Open it.
Template Meatball icon options:
Move to Folder
Remove from Folder
TO Edit template Tap on a template or choose re-edit from Meatball icon.
=> Should open tempalte in editor.
Re-edit template and check save option:
1. Auto-save:
Should remove a template from a folder and show with an error view in my design at top of the list with the changes.
2. Save As Draft:
Should update template on both screen My design & MY Folder.
3. Save.
Should Update template on both screen on My Design & My Folder.
[Is should be As per internet connection]
When click on rename should show current Name.
After changing name if cancel then Name should not change.
Check Folder Name after PTR from both screen 1. From folder list screen 2. From inside the folder.
After Rename once Auto-save, draft, save and check the Name
Renamed Design Name should be shown proper after Re-edit and saved it
Rename design should not be gets duplicated (Random issue)
After Renamed Toast: Design name updated successfully.
Duplicate design and check the Name of the design should be duplicated.
Rename While Offline and Uplaod and check the Name.
Open Folder click on More option => Rename and then click on '<' and check Folder name On Folder list screen.
Move to Folder
Tap on Meatball icon and choose Move to folder and choose the folder to Move.
=> Design should remove and moved to Selected folder.
Folders should not show in list in which design is added.
Moved Design should not be shown on original Folder screen
Original folder should not be shown while moving a design to another folder
Remove from Folder
When remove from folder design should be there in My design and should be remove from folder.
Duplicated template should not remove From Folder.
Toast : Design Removed Successfully.
Go to inside the folder => Remove the desing => without PTR back to folder screena nd Do PTR on Folder list. => again go to Folder and check thr desing should not show inside the folder.
When delete design from folder should delete it. Also should not show on My Design.
Duplicated Design should not delete from Folder.
On PTR should update data properly.
Verify Add Design
When clicking on Add design option should redirect to the My design screen.
If there is no design on My Design should show Empty View and the Add button [Disable] at top right corner.
If click on start Designing should redirect to Create screen.
Auto-saved template should not show on my design screen list.
On My Design, Should not show templates which is already added to folder.
If tempalte is available on My design screen then should show with the seelction view and [0 seeelcted] by default.
On my design ADD button should enable when min 1 design is selected.
After Selecting template when clicking on Add => Design should add it to folder.
Should show toast "Design Added successfully!
Should allow adding multiple design to folder at a time.
Add image to Folder & duplicate it and check the duplicated template should be proper.
Design should allow to add only in 1 Folder at a time.
The already added design should not be show in my design screen while add design from folder.
More option and more option sheet should not be shown on my Design screen while adding design to folder
Android Issues
UI :
Top panel: should show Folder Name at Center.
Should show '<' button at left corner
Should show Meatball icon on Right Corner.[Add Design, Rename Folder Delete Folder]
Should not remove any element of this panel in any case.
The design count in my folder screen should be proper while duplicate and delete design.
Folder Name Validation :
Capital small allows
Same Name Not allowed like:
A, a
is considered as same.
IF added same Nmae should show Alert "Already Exist" "Folder name already exists". when click on OK should open Add folder Alert
When Create New Folder it should at top on list.
Add Design Without Sign In Without Purchase.
=> Should show Empty View.
=> Should Ask to purchase first, when click on 'Add Folder'
Delete Folder
Delete Empty Folder
When click on Delete option from Meatball icon Should open Delete Dialog.
Click on Close Should Close Dialog.
Click on "Yes Delete" should delete selected folder.
Delete folder having
In my folder template count should be shown proper while delete template from folder.
When deleting folder should show Confirm Dilaod which has a switch.
Switch ON: Should move all templates to My design and should not delete any template.
Switch OFF: Should Delete the FOlder and the templates having it.
Verify the delete folder.
Sign-out => sign in => delete folder.
Try to delete folder Without Sign In Without purchase.
Try to delete folder Without Sign In With purchase.
Try to delete folder With Sign In Without purchase.
Try to delete folder With Sign In With purchase.
When App is in background the design is not uplaod, Uplodaing is work only when App is open.
Sign In
Create Account
Device A Account A
Delete Acc
Only from setting screen.
There are 3 options.
Contact Support
Will Open feedback dialog
Submit Blank feedback
Check with adding feedback.
Delete Acc & Sign out
Delete confirm dialog.
1.Should Delete All Resource from Cloud As will As from App.
When User Sign in with same ID again it should be fresh. [No not have any data]
Should close the Delete dialog.
After delete account should delete all the data from App and cloud also.
If user have login in multiple device and delete account from any device and then after when try to get data from another device. Then Should Sign Out Account when perform activity related CDS and Should show Alert Message of : It is seem linke Account is Delete with OK button.
Sign In Acc
If app is not Purchased then should Ask to Purchase first when try to perform any account related scenario.
Sign In with Apple ID
Sign In from following screens .
Setting screen.
Home screen sign in dialog. [while open fresh App].
My Font => Upload button of font.
My Upload sign in button.
My upload => upload icon of image.
Success screen Sign In button.
My Design Sign In button.
My Design => Template Upload button.
My Design On PTR open sign in dialog.
My Folder Sign in button.
"Sign In successfully" toast.
App Data
New User
There is no data here.
Existing User
If user has data then should load aal the data properly.
Point 2: Home Screen
If Sign In from success screen should upload the Saved tempalte.
When Click on Sign In with Apple should ask to add pass code. and after adding it should Sign In with the Apple ID.
Sign In with Google
After Successful sign in profile should create in Setting screen
Sign Out Acc
Only From Setting screen.
Should remove all data from App.
Should show Sign In on all the screen.
After signing out if upload any data it should upload locally only. and should show upload icon for all the data [Fonts, images, My design templates.]
CDS Remote Config [Reflect after 24 hrs]
Turn On Remote Config
Registerd User :
Should Show CDS feaure from all the screen.
Also if the User do sign In should access all the CDS content.
Non- Registerd user
Will show the CDS Feature.
Turn OFF Remote Config
Non- Registerd user
Should not affect the userd data if CDS On / Off to user.
Shuld remove CDS feature from all screen.
Sign Out and checlk
After Doing sign Out
Registerd User :
Register but currently not sign in:
Should remove CDS feature.
Currently Sign In :
Should not affect the userd data if CDS On / Off to user.
Shuld remove CDS feature from all screen.
Should remove Sign In from all the screen.
My Desing search should redirect to search screen.
Remove MyFolder screen.
Remove cloud from pro feature list.
My Upload to My Art.
Custome font should work As OLD flow.
Remote config not affect to currently Sign-In user.
If use has sign Out then it is affect to [remove user].
Data should not loss from server in case when user is sign out and CDS is turned off.
Use ll the dataand check.
Add data in Offline and check
My Fonts
[Custom Fonts]
Pro Feature
Insert Fonts
Without Purchase Can't Add
Add / Upload Image With Sign In [Offline].
Should not add duplicate font while adding in offline.
Tap on a font to download: Should show Error message "Brochure Maker is unable to connect with internet."
Upload font from My Font should not shown at bottom editor after log out account
Add / Upload Fonts With Sign In. [Online]
When font is seelcted Clcik on Add New Font & and fonts
=> Should remove seelction and add new added font on list.
=> Sign in to account => Open any template & upload any font from My fonts => Sign out account
=> Open any template =>Go to My fonts => Sign in & upload same font again.
Result : Should not show 2 same font
When Clcik on Uppload button should start uplaoding and font should upload properly to the scrver.
upload font in Offline or Without sign in => Now do sign in => Now clcik on upload buttton on all the font quickly one by one.
Result => All the font should upload.
Clcik on Upload button of 2 font at a same time.
=> Should uplaod 1 font only at a time. / App should ot get crashed.
While font uploading process is running should show Uplaoding icon and after complete should hine the ulaoding icon.
Uplaoding is unning at a time chnage Tab or CLcik on '<' button.
Result => Should show fonts with upload icon which are pending to upload. and id clcik on Upload of them should upload again.
While running Uplading fotns and if gettig any issue should show Retry icon and when clcik onn retry should start uplaoding again.
While Font uploading is running Minimize App / Lock device.
Result => Uplaoding should continue in background. and when open App should not get crashed.
Wgile Font ulaoding is running Minimize / Close the app.
Result => Remanin to uplaoding should show with Upload dialog.
Use the Uplaoded font in card and save it and re-open and check it. should open and show selection on font
Open any templte => Use Uplaoded font but do not Uplaod template and save it. =>Open from My design and check it. [also check it after complete purchase. ]
turn off the internet while uplaoding.
Add font [do not uplaod ]. Now add same font and chck should not show Duplicate font.
Verify Image Select / Deselect
Should remove selection when change font tabs.
Tap and Hold On Font Will Open 2 option 1. Seelct 2. Delete.
When choosing select option => Should Select the font with the selection View.
From Top bar, if click on Radio button should select all the images and Selection count should update.
If selection Font1 by one then selection count changes accordingly.
If tap on selected font again should remove selection and should decreas the count of seelction.
From Bottom Bar if
images are not selected
then should show option : Select All & Delete All
From Bottom Bar if 1 or more images are selected then should show option: Select All & Delete.
From Bottom Bar if
All images are selected
then should show option: Deselect All & Delete All
If 1 image is selected and deselected is an image the selection view should not Remove.
Selection View Should remov when Clcik on "<" button.
Selection should not remove while scrolling to any where on screen.
Also when minimize the screen.
Check selection using 2 finger gestures at a time should select 1 image Only.
PTR should not be working when selection view is present.
When All image is selected and if remove selection from any image should show Delete instead of Delete All.
If there is no selected image and click on Delete All the should show selection on all images, Selection count should Update and also show Delete Alert with option Cancel & Delete All.
Cancel : Should remove selection and update count.
Delete All : Should Delete All images.
After PTR when selecting any image and then selecting All should select only page 1 data.
Screen Should not Scroll while select / De-select.
Select Image while is it uplaoding and then seelct all and check the seelction.
Should seelct all the images.
Add / Upload Fonts Without Sign. [Online].
From Add Text screen:
Add font from the Add text screen. and check it from Text Edit panel font option. it hsouldUpdated properly. and vice versa.
The uploaded font should show With the Upload icon.
Apply the added font to text and verify it should show seelction on Font.
Added font should show in My Font list on Downloaded screen in same sequence as My Font screen.
If clcik on Upload button should show Sign In dialog.
My Font count and list should update on Doanloaded screen according the My Font list.
Added font should not uplaod to server.
If Uninstall the app and re-install it again the Added font should remove as it is not uploaded to server.
If use this font in any tempalte and save it tempalte should able to open again.
Should not allow to add same font again.
Download Fonts
Rearrange My Font ondownlaoded list and then dowload fonts from My Font
Result My fonts Position should not chnage in Doanloded screen.
Custom label should not be shown on Downloaded Fonts list
[Check in IOS]
The PTR should be work after Delete font.
Rearrange My FOnt on downloaded screen then then Add / Upload New font on My font screen
Result => My font pisition should not chnage.
Verify Brand fonts.
Delete Fonts
Fonts selection should not be shown without applying it
Upload Font Use it in canvas and then delete font via another tempalte from My Fonts => Uninstall the App and Reinstall and check the font .
Delete Without Sign In
Delete Font from My Design should remove from the list of My font & Downloaded screen also.
IF deelte any used [applied to text] font then it the deleted font should show in Unknown font list.
Dlete uploaded font
Result: should not delete font should ask to purchase.
Deleete not uploaded font.
Result: should delete font.
Install Old app >> open any template 2. tap on any text >> tap on Fonts option 3. tap on custom option >> Add any fonts 4. Tap on Save button and save Design 5. Upgrade app with latest version 6. Go to Fonts >> tap on My Fonts 7. Tap on Custom fonts 8. Tap on Custom Fonts and check Custom fonts is not applied till uploaded to CDS
Two device
MISC fonts selection and My Fonts selection should not be shown together
Error message should not be shown while uploading same font in two different device
Upload font from Device A , Open My font screen ang get Uploaded font by PRT on screen.
Result : Should get all fonts with blur UI.
Upload font from Device A , Open My font screen ang get Uploaded font by PRT on screen and now Uplaod same fonts from Device B again.
Result : Should get all fonts with blur UI.
Delete font should be deleted in sync device properly.
Apply uploaded font => Delete it from another template / Device => Uninstall App and then re-install and Open template and chcek it.
Font list should update properly when delete from another device nad do PTR.