Relationship between people and nature.
Benifits to prople
Disadvantages to people
Lowering air temperature
Provide shade and reduces the amount of direct sunlight reaching the ground
Cools surrounding air through evapotranspiration
Taking in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide
Removal of pollutants
Absorb carbon dioxide and other air pollutants through photosynthesis
Small particles intercepted by the leaves are washed to the ground
Wetland plants can trap materials and absorb excess nutrients which improves overall water quality
Provision of recreation space
Numerous opportunities for outdoor activities
Direct and frequent interactions with nature brings improved our health and well-being benefits
Reduces severity and occurrence of health conditions
Increase human wildlife encounters
Due to
Urban expansion
Shirking of natural habitat this wildlife venture out for food and shelter in the urban area
People’s growing interest in outdoors
People spend more time in nature areas
Greening efforts in the urban area
Bring nature back in urban which attracts wildlife
Nature lead to limited developments
People feel of the needs of environment protection
Protest of the destruction of environment for build environment
Disadvantages to nature
Benefits to nature
Raising awareness
Encourage positive behaviour that does not damage the nature
Letting more people aware the importance of nature
Encouraging ways the restore nature. E.g recycle, reduce and reuse
Organise or participate in conservation efforts
Clean-up programmes to remove pollutants from the environment
Help restore natural habitat
Provide a healthy environment for spiecies to thrive
Cause soil erosion
Hiking which causes soil compaction
Prevents rainwater from infiltrating
Higher surface flow and water washing away the soil pariicles
Damaging vegetation
Trampling on vegatation
Building infastructure which effects the growth of vegetation
Worsening pollution
Releasing pollutants to the environment from factories
Releasing chemicals to the water bodies which reduce water quality
Disturbing wildlife
Animals get cut by metal cans
Entangled with plastic containers or bags
Animals mistake litter for food and consume them
Feeding wildlife
Changing their natural hunting habit
Dependent on humans