Argument→churches should be decorated etc. and that clergy should wear robes, laity should be denied accsess to certain areas
Raising the clergy→challenged the Protestant view that men were spiritually equal before God. raised fears of desire to restore clergy's role and authority also offensive to Puritans as it threatened the right of one to have a personal relationship with God - very Catholic.
Richard Montagu→First expression of Arminian ideas in 1624 - 'A new Gag for an Old Goose' a calvinist doctrine
Response to Montagu→complaints made about him in Parliament in 1625 - caused Charles to protect him with a place in court
York House Conference→1626 chaired by Buckingham resulted in debate between Arminians and their opposition and no change on Charles' policy.
Charles Doctrine→issued to forbid the public discussion of senstitive religious doctrine - interpreted as a restriction on preaching that affected Calvinists and other Protestants far more than Arminians due to their formal prayers.
George Abbot→Archbishop of Canterbury was briefly suspended in 1627 for refusing to grant an Arminian Sermon and Laud was appointed to privy council a years later as he became Bishop of London.