APPENDAGES : flagella and fimbriae, pili, proteic structures attached to the cell surface
filamentous protein structures attached to the cell surface provide swimming
movement for the motile bacterial cells, powered by a proton motive force
chemotaxis; bacterium can “SENSE” the quality and quantity of certain chemicals in its environment and swim towards them or away from them
aerotaxis; bacteria swim toward or away from 02.
sex pilus
major function is adhesion to other cells, both bacterial and human
F-pili: sexual pilli, sexual conjugation ,are produced by male bacteria and allow them to bind to female bacteria to promote sexual conjugation.
This allow bacteria to spread antibiotic resistant genes, transmission of pathogenicity from a bacterşa's strain to another one
LECTINS, found at the end of fimbriae, are able to bound selected sugars. (Mannose).
ADESİN :promote adherence strongly