Kornilov Affair
In June (1917) a major offensive in Galicia was led by brusilov in the hope of rallying the nation.
Russian advance was beaten back by heavy losses. Desertions escalated and anti-war sentiment grew.
The sentiment grew so strong that in July, Kerensky appointed General Lavr Kornilov as Commander-in-Chief in an effort to restore discipline.
Those on the right, particularly land and business owners saw Kornilov as their saviour.
By the end of August, Kornilov ordered six regiments of troops to march on Petrograd, presumably to establish a military dictatorship.
However the coup failed when Kerensky, who had at first supported Kornilov, panicked and ordered Kornilov to call a halt.
When Kornilov did not halt, Kerensky released imprisoned Bolsheviks and provided them and workers with weapons to halt Kornilov,
Bolsheviks (as main beneficiaries) milked the propaganda and put scorn on Kerensky and Kornilov.
Bolsheviks were elected in increased numbers to soviets throughout Russia
Bolsheviks in Feb - 23,000 ----> Oct 200,000
Won a majority in Moscow and Petrograd In sept, Trotsky became chairman of executive committee
Lenin and CC
Lenin had begun bombarding the 12 man CC of the Bolsheviks party with letters demanding they prepare for revolution and seizure of power. The CC voted against a coup and even Lenin's threat of resignation from the CC failed to move them.
Kamenev and Zinoviev, two prominent members, feared that Russia was not economically ready for revolution.
Trotsky suggested they should work through the Petrograd Soviet ad wait for the congress of Soviets which was due to be convened on Oct 26th.
An increasingly frustrated Lenin slipped back into Russia in disguise and on Oct 10th harangued the CC of the Bolshevik party all night.
Lenin finally succeeded in persuading the committee that "an armed rising is the order of the day". Trotsky supported this but Zinoviev and Kamenev did not.
Trotsky and preparation for revolution
Once the vote for action had been carried, it was largely left to Trotsky to organise the revolution. He sent Bolshevik speakers to factories to gain support and a Military Revolutionary Committee was set up