The Marrow Thieves is very significant to our course as it tells a story about the struggles that the Indigenous people have gone through for example their land was stolen, they were taken advantage of and they were put inside residential schools. Although this book is fiction it strongly relates to the events and problems that had occurred in real life or is still an ongoing issue. On page 41 Frenchie said “I came from a long line of hunters, trappers, and voyagers. But now, with most of the rivers cut into pieces and lakes left as grey sludge puckers on the landscape, my own history seemed like a myth along the lines of dragons. This quote is implying both the land not only being changed but also taken from them which in return leads to being stripped from their identity. For a lot of the Indigenous people hunting, fishing and traveling through their natural landscape has become a part of their central being, a part of their identity, so when “the rivers cut into pieces and lakes left as grey sludge puckers on the landscape” so to was frenchies identity, cut into pieces and changed into something he did not recognize which is why he says at the end of the quote “my own history seemed like a myth along the lines of dragons. Another topic that had been an ongoing issue in the book which is slowly becoming a worse problem in today's world was the rapidly increasing dangers of climate change as this book takes place around 20 to 30 years in the future. When Frenchie said “Even after the world was making us more aware of change. After the cities have crumbled off the coastlines, after the hurricanes and earthquakes made us fear for a solid ground to stand on” he was talking about how the world just gave up caring about climate change entirely and eventually it got so bad that in a way the world was starting to fall apart. In all, this book is incredibly important and is very significant to this course as it talks about topics like climate change, intergenerational trauma and colonization which have happened in the past or are still prominent in today's world.