Employee growth and new team creation - how will this affect the organisation?
Higher income target
Team Budgets
Will create a fight for resources and projects to ensure their budget is the highest
Affect of individual teams
Teams may feel like they are competing against other teams
Create isolation
Lack of cohesion across the unit
Centralised Business Management Function
Tasks can be duplicated across the teams
Multiple demands
Trying to maintain a link between all teams
Try and minimise this by being the gatekeeper
Teams may be reluctant to share resources
Different teams have different levels of income so this wont fair across the board
Means more risk
Job Security
People may feel threatened by teams that have a higher income
Higher income means an increased risk to jobs. If we fail to met the target, jobs are at risk
Teams may want to management the Business Management Function themselves, which could risk the jobs of the centralised Business Management Team