Mexican Independence (1810) image

The Invasion of the Spanish image

In February 1519, a man named Hernán Cortés and a small band of men destroyed the Aztec empire in Mexico and built his own new capitol over the ruins. The Spanish ended up winning the war and killing many Mexicans in the process. After winning, they took over Mexico, making Mexico become a part of Spain.

Slavery image

After Spain took over Mexico, they treated the people like servants and forced them to work and earn the Spanish more money. Many Mexicans were forced to work in poor conditions without payment or any respect as a human being. This indicates that the Spanish didn't care about the people of Mexico after colonising them. This summarises that they not only wanted more land, but wanted the indigenous people of Mexico to work for them and earn them more money.

Grito De Dolores or "Cry of Dolores" image

In 1810, A Roman Catholic Priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang his church bell to symbolize a cry for help and a signal to join the cause. It also meant to the people of Mexico that it was time to unite and fight. At the time, churches were the biggest things in Mexican Towns. Hidalgo and the rest of his army were all captured in the state of Coahuila at the Wells of Baján, where he was executed on the 30 July 1811. His leadership soon inspired new leaders to position and take his place.,the%20Mexican%20fight%20for%20independence.

Mexico a Monarchy image

After Spain took over Mexico after winning the war, Mexico had become a part of Spain. Since Spain had a rule of having a monarchy, Mexico was forced to have one too. This legal action then caused a rebellion as the citizens of Mexico didn't want to have a monarchy ruling them. The people didn't believe that they needed a King or Queen to rule over them. This conveys that this was one of the main causes because the Mexican people didn't want a ruler. Therefore, wanted a revolution to become separated from Spain and to be their countries.

Return the land's of the indigenous inhabitantsimage

During the Colonial era ( when Spain took over), the Spanish monarchy protected most of the land holdings from the indigenous societies that supported their own families from their thriving farms. Without crops, the people of Mexico became poor and fell into poverty ad they coundt support their families. They had no ways of making money to provide for their nessesities. When the war ended, most of the land had been bought or given to wealthy land owners and took a while to redistribute land back.

image Justice of social classes
After many citizens of Mexico were pulled into Slavery,Social classes were made due to more people becoming poorer than those who were wealthier and able to provide for their families. The classes were divided into three groups; upper class, middle class and lower class. The upper class contained families that had good finances,had a sufficient amount of land, were mine owners and were important figures in growing buisnesses. The middle class was small and consisted of people who had enough money to survive and support their families aswell as "always anxoius to improve it's position". Lastly, the lower class had people in poverty, not enough land holdings to provide and support families, poor and had basic dignity.

Lack of supplies image

When Spain took over Mexico, they took all of Mexico's resources including their gold ,silver ,crops, materials ,etc This then caused the people to fall into poverty as they didn't have any supplies tpo make money to support themselves and their families. Spain then grew richer with and Mexico became poorer. All of the Mexican people had to keep working for Spain a d everything they made went to the Spanish. The Mexican earned nothing for their hard work and therefore couldn't provide their families with nessesities or money.

José María Morelos image
José María Morelos was originally born in poverty in 1765, and studied for priesthood in at the Colegio de San Nicolás in Valladolid. In 1811, he joined Hidalgos independence movement and soon after Hidalgo's death, he took position of command in Southern Mexico. When the Royalist forces caught up with José's army, they put up a strong guard . Unfortunately, José
was captured and shot as a traitor.

Agustín de Iturbide image
In 1810, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla called his polutaion to join hands. At that time, Agustín de Iturbide was an officer in the Spanish army and refused when Hidago offered him a spot in his independence movement because he didn't support his cause.,and%20became%20Emperor%20of%20Mexico.


Information from my mom who is from Mexico

←Social conditions
Spain's invasion forced many mexican citizens to work for the Spanish and to become slaves. This action also led to a social class system to be enhanced due to the status difference between the wealthier and the poor

Leaders ↓

Agustín de Iturbide and José María Morelos have a connected with Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla because he inspired them to help and fight for Mexicos freedom and independence.

Goverment →

The invasion where Spain took over Mexico caused monarchies to occur as Mexico were forced to follow Spain's rules because they were part of Spain now. Spain also took all of Mexico's resources and used them for their own benefits and didn't give anything in return to Mexico.