Problem = High rates of child mortality & malnutrition
Poor economic diversification
Many youth moving away from agriculture
Low productivity of farms
Learned helplessness
Cause 1 = Food Insecurity
Little access to credit
Limited knowledge on nutrition
Low access to nutritious food
Changing climatic conditions
Lack of enabling environment for improved agricultural productivity
Over dependency on imports
Over dependence on a few earners
Cause 2 = Household Poverty
Inadequate social protection
Weak governance, accountability & institutions
Cause 4 = Poor Sanitation & Safe Water Access
Cause 3 = Limited Access to Quality Healthcare
Social norms & alternative traditional medicines & treatments
Low levels of education of health service users
Poor road networks
Inadequate investment in healthcare
Lack of equipment
Lack of water & electricity in centres
Lack of infrastructure (clinics, centres, etc)
Lack of high calibre health personnel
Poorly managed or no rubbish dumps
Poor Communal spirit / Civic responsibility
Limited knowledge of WASH best practice
Inadequate water infrastructure
Inadequate investment
Inadequate national vision of / prioritisation for safe water
Inadequate finance
Inadequate country planning for safe water
Confusion about religions implications of certain health actions
Cause 6 = Challenging Social Norms
Lack of accurate sex education
Low women's literacy levels
Limited exposure
Cause 5 = Low Parental Education Levels
Fears of impact of sex education
Cause 7: Weak Governance, Management, & Accountability
Ineffective M&E and learning
Lack of compassionate and motivated health workers
Lack of job security
Lack of working conditions
Lack of career progression
Lack of regulation of healthcare providers
Lack of regulation of overall healthcare system
Lack of voice for patients (no channels to hold duty bearers accountable)
Lack of clinical health standards
No dedicated national program for child health (currently merged with EPI)
High private expenditures on health
Lack of comprehensive workforce management strategy
Poor deployment of staff
Lack of clarity of roles (lack of clear job description and reporting lines)
Political involvement in recruitment and placement
Therapeutic food
imports are high cost, lack of domestically produced therapeutic food
Poor working conditions (lack of space)
Lack of coordination within MoH
Lack of coordination between ministries
Lack of inventory management