Alliance Party policies
Suggest that NI had themost to lose from Brexit.
Commited to making sure there is no hard border.
Always have been anti-Brexit.
Feels that NI shoiuld remain a part of the UK until a majority decides otherwise.
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Pro-Union stance
Supports the Irish Language Act as part of a respect agenda.
They support the parades commission and its determination of parades and where and when they should be held.
They believe flags sgould be hung but only on designated days.
They support integrated education and want to see 20% of children educated this way.
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Equal marriage and abortion
They support same sex marriage.
They offer a conscience vote on the issue of abortion.
Legacy Issues
They support the broad definition of what a victim is.
They believe this issue should be sorted out soon to alleviate those suffering from the aftermath of the conflict.
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Alliance Party Information
Leader - Naomi Long
Centre ground party
17 MLA's and 1 MP
Currently the 3rd largest party in the assembly.