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chapter two: Identifying terrorism/ typology - Coggle Diagram
chapter two: Identifying terrorism/ typology
types of terrorism
Mass terror: Terrorism by the government in power against its own citizens; Ruling regime suppresses the opposition to maintain control
Saddam Hussein
Dynastic assassination's: THe murder of the head official in the government
President Lincoln
Focused terror: terrorism focused on an particular enemy
Polish Underground targeted Natzi
Random Terror: An attack on large numbers wherever they gather; spanish trains
Spanish trains in 2004
Tactical terror: The use of attacks against the government for a revolution or other purposes.
Murrah federal building
Guerilla: Spanish term for little warfare; has armed protest of occupying forces
Asymmetrical warfare: Terrorist attacks implies target attacks on the parts of the military that are weak against those who are powerful.
Domestic terrorism: Terrorism that includes within its national borders
international Terrorism: Terrorism that spends 2 or more nations.
Common characteristics of terrorism
An act of disruption, violence or the threat of voilence
Performed by an individual,group or state that espouses an ideology
COnducted against governments or citizens as taregets and shown to an audience to spread the impact
Accompanied with fear and coercion as terroir relies on the sock factor.
Directed towards goals and objectives such as policy , human rights, environmental rights, religious freedoms, dominance, social justice, political independence
defining terrorism
Terrorism is very hard to define because it depends on the perceptive. One person terrorist is another persons hero
Department of Defense ( DOD): Public entity repsonsible for the military
The calculated use of violence of the threat of violence to incite fear intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of foals that are generally political religious or ideological
Department of State( DOS) : the federal agency in charge of siplomatic relationships among nations.
Asserts terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents usually intended to influence an audience
Federal Bureau Of investigation( FBI): Government organocation that focus on enforcement of US law. IT defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civi population, or any segment thereof in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
Department of Homeland Security ( DHS): defines terrorism as any activity that 1. involves an act that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources or violation of any criminal laws of the US and 2. appears to be intended to initiate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion or to affect the conduct of the government by mass destruction assassination or kidnapping
Relations of Terrorism to other disasters : Viewed from emergency management
Conflict disaster: A socially disruptive and divise event that involves a riot or some type of warfare
Consensus disaster: A socially disruptive event like an earthquake or tornado that brings the community together
Raises question about how to classify terrorism
Social behavior is related to consensus disasters and that people act rationally in major events such as 9/11
Six hypothesis to illustrate that terrorism doe snot always fall into a single catagorie
Proposition three
Repsonce to 9.11 was more difficult cause secuity issues. Ari land and water were shut down in 9.11.
Proposition 4
Political change happened after 9.11 most consensus disasters dont spark political change
Proposition two
POeple in consensus disasters typically don't suffer mentally or health repercussions but in 9/11 they did
Proposition 5
Preparing for terrorism involves measurs beyong consensus type disasters. natural and tech disastes requite planning training and exercise.,
Propositon one
Pro and antisocial behavior occurred during 9/11. Community helped donate blood to victims but hated muslims
Proposition 6
Long term change will be defining feature of the 9.11 attacks. Most diesters do not influence or impact society in significant wat.
Terrosim manifest in 5 ways: mass terror, dynastic assassination, random terror, focused terror, and tactical terror
Typologies of terrorism
Typology: Means to classify according to type ; helps better understand certain conductions or factors and does not account for all forms of terrorisms. Most typologies attempt to identity the tactics unwed to the modes of attacks
operational intent: a psych. act that communicates through violence or through the threat of violence
Strategy: publicly causing damage to symbols of instilling fear
What matterws? Time location method of attack and mindset
terrorism classified by porpoise
Political: For ideoloofigal and political purposes
Nonpolitical: for private purposes or gain
Quasi-terrorism: Skyjacking and hostage taking
Official or state: used by a nation against nation or people
Limited political: Ideological but not revoluitionary
Ideological categories
religious:Distorts the holy writ uses it to recruitment and achiveing their end goals
Social: single issues or special interest terrorism and includes topical like animal rights etc.
Political: Right wing LEft wing