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Christianity: Beliefs and teachings - Coggle Diagram
Beliefs and teachings
The Holy trinity
Each person (or expression of god) of the holy trinity is distinct and is god yet there is only one god
Both god the father and holy spirit are unseen while it is believed that Jesus is the son.
The father is the most common representation of god (a big man in the sky) while the holy spirit is the idea of god being everywhere all at once.
Each person in the trinity fulfills a different role
Some believe that the holy trinity represents more than one god.
This threatens the monotheism "only one god" of christianity.
Nature of god
Christianity is a monotheistic religion meaning there is only one god.
Particular properties of god
God is eternal
God is outside of normal time
All knowing
Above all things
God acts in all of human history
All loving
Has a relationship with every person
All powerful
Perfect in nature
All seeing
Roles of creation
God as the father in genesis
Spirit in genesis 1 and 2
Word in creation (John 1)
In John 1 the son of god is given the name of "The Word"
The word is present before creation and given to all things. The Word is incarnated as Jesus on earth.
In genesis one the spirit is present, "hovering over the waters."
Gives the same idea of a bird sitting over a nest of eggs caring and bringing them into life
Genesis 2 God, "breathed into [Adams] nostrils the breath of life.
This can be translated as the spirit of god
God brings order to chaos (light to darkness)
In the final part of creation god makes humans in his image.
"God called the dry land "Earth" " Genesis 1:10
Shows gods authority and power over the creation
Jesus Christ
Importance of Jesus's Teachings
Jesus's teachings are central to christian beliefs as they allow christians to see how they should live in obedience to God.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Key quote
""Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." this is the first and greatest commandment . And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Christian love and beliefs about Jesus
Jesus's actions accompanied his teachings of which were centered around sacrificial love with no personal gain, from the first and second commandments. Sacrificial love is described as Agape love in the new testament.
Christians preach agape love as well as practicing it by:
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Christian beliefs about Jesus
Modern scientific knowledge makes it hard to believe in many aspects oof Jesus's life.
Liberal Christian beliefs
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This Parable elaborates on the second commandment and describes your neighbor as anyone in need whom you can have mercy and take pity on.
Jesus showed love in his actions helping those in genuine need instead of just preaching those actions.
In response Christians' will try to help those in need.
The Christian ideal expressed in Jesus's teachings
The Sermon on the mount was recorded in Matthew 5-7 and contains many of Jesus's teachings about how to live and please god. There were split up into six sections.
The Beatitudes (5:3-12)
Describes the attitudes or qualities god wants his followers who he will bless, to develop
Beatitudes 1-3: By knowing their needs Jesus's followers are able to become better, truer people and in turn can share gods love through their actions of kindness and caring to others.
Beatitudes 4-7: Focus on searching for god, truth and righteousness
Beatitudes 8-9: Concentrate on suffering for doing what is right due to God. If a Christian suffers for being faithful to god they are happy and they are true to themselves and living with integrity.
Jesus and the Law
Moses originally brought the law of God to the Israelites.
Jesus didn't get rid of the Law but gave it new meaning.
Jesus's teachings said that obedience to the law must come from the heart as he argued that god knows all ow thoughts as well as our deeds.
Jesus brings an interpretation of Moses's law based on love. He demonstrates this when he is prepared to die for our sins.
True discipleship
Jesus describes what it means to be a true follower
He dismisses outward acts of religion believing that it should be done in private between only yourself and God in order to be truly righteous.
This proves they are doing it not for praise from other human but to please and serve God.
True Righteousness
Judging others
No person is perfect so no one is in the position to judge somebody else.
As a warning not to judge, Jesus says that if you judge someone, god will judge you to the same standard.
True riches are spiritual "treasures" which cannot ever be taken away or destroyed. Jesus wants believers to understand they cannot worship god and money.
In this section Jesus requires his followers to take seriously their commitment to faith.
The Narrow Guideway
Jesus warns believers about the difficulties of being Christian through an analogy of 2 pathways.
The broad pathway is without obedience to God's laws and leads to destruction. However it is the easiest path.
On the other hand, following God's laws and being a good Christian is difficult and a narrow pathway. However this pathway leads to an eternity in heaven.
Building on solid foundations
With an analogy of a house built on sand versus a house built on rock surviving through a storm, Jesus teaches that with a life based on faith and trust in God will enable a person to get through the toughest times in life.
Jesus is important as he gives Christians' an example live their lives by and be brought back into relationship with God.
Belief: Son of God
Jesus is God incarnate
His was conceived by the Holy spirit impregnating the Virgin Mary. This was all told in the first testament.
Belief: Lord and Savior
Jesus was sent by god the father to take punishment of the fall and original sin
He was able to come back to life being fully god and fully man. Proving his sacrifice was accepted and that Humans could spend eternity in heaven after death.
Belief: Messiah
Means "anointed one" referring to him being chosen by God.
He is thought of as a King or Lord sent to save humanity
Life and Death
Eschatological beliefs
Apocalyptic ideas in the early church
The first Christians believed that Jesus would return to replace all the evil and sinful
Many believe there to be a Second Coming and that they were living at the end of times described as dramatic and frightening in the biblical book of Revelation.
Resurrection and life after death
In complete contrast to hell for those who have repented and received salvation.
It is pictured with blinding lights singing and beauty. So perfect, awe inspiring and free from suffering and evil.
It is believed that Heaven is a state of mind by some.
A punishment people who have not repented and received salvation during their time on earth..
There are 2 main different beliefs about Hell
Annihilation (destruction of the body and soul)
Hell is symbolic of eternal life without the presence and blessing of God.
It is believed that Jesus' resurrection and ascension proved that there was a life after death and the possession of an immortal sole separate to the physical body.
Paul, writer of letter to the Corinthians explains humans mortal and imperfect bodies will die but their spiritual bodies will be resurrected: 1 Corinthians.
A place where those who are not pure enough to go to heaven can be purified as you are not beyond help after death.
It is a Roman Catholic belief that in order to go to heaven you must be pure and in perfect relationship with god.
Different christian beliefs
All Christians believe and have faith in Gods plan
Many focus on trying to make life better for other here on earth because of Jesus' teaching in the Parable of the sheep and goats from Matthew 25.
Jesus's sacrifice
After the process of sacrifice as atonement for their sins became regular and lost all true meaning Jesus's death was a sacrifice from all human beings in order to make peace with god and restore the relationship
Something that is done to pay for wrongdoings
The Law
In the past, religious law had proved humans to be imperfect and sinful next to gods standards. When Jesus made his sacrifice people could repent for their sins and be forgiven.
God's grace means unconditional love even to those whom do not deserve it.
Describes what people believe that god has done for them to pay their debt of sin.
Repentance and forgiveness
They believe in order to be saved they must repent (apologize) for their sins and have god accept their repentance.
Sin and death first entered the world during the Fall when Adam and Eve disobeyed god. When Jesus is killed god gives the gift of eternal life in heaven.
Different views about salvation
Salvation after being baptized and part of a church.
Salvation after "conversation" experience being when someone leaves their former life to live following Jesus.
Being saved from eternity in hell through Jesus' death on the cross.
Incarnation resurrection and ascension
Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after crucifixion demonstrating that he really was god incarnate with power over death.
The resurrection proved to early Christians that god approved of his sacrifice.
Christians find hope for life after death for an eternity in heaven among Jesus
Forty days following the resurrection it was recorded in the Acts of the new testament that Jesus returned to heaven.
Jesus's ascension was literal
Jesus's ascension was symbolic for the success of good over evil.
God incarnate is god turned into man
He is unaffected by original sin from the fall and is a perfect example of how to live.
His main purpose was to die as punishment for human sin in order to restore humanities relationship with god.
Jesus was able to perform miracles and provided a glimpse of heaven to christians
Jesus felt human suffering when he was crucified so humans know that God can feel human suffering
It is believed this was a sacrifice to restore humanities relationship with god.
Different christian perspectives
Different Christians emphasize or take metaphorical meaning from the events of Jesus's life and death.
Humans and God
Role and Purpose of Humans
Humans where made in the image of god with the authority over earth and to populate the earth
Adam is placed in the garden of Eden by god to take care of it along with his helper Eve. They have a perfect relationship with God.
After God tells them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
When Adam and Eve break this rule having been tempted by the "crafty" Serpent suggesting that God didn't what them to have the same knowledge as god.
This causes that Fall and Original Sin that breaks humans perfect relationship with god.
Interpretations of Genesis
All Christians agree that...
God created the universe
God acted out of love and goodness
Human beings, made in the image of god, are sinful and imperfect next to god.
Literal Interpretation
They think the world in 5700 years old and that the bible in inspired by god
They deny all science that proves the world was not created in 6 days
Mythical interpretation
They do not believe that genesis was a literal account but a myth
Some believe in theistic evolution meaning god started the process of evolution and the world is billions of years old.
Problems with suffering and God
If god is omnipotent and does not stop suffering then he must no be omnibenelovent
If god is omnibenelovent and does not stop suffering then he must not be omnipotent
Beliefs about this problem
Suffering is as a result of Moral evil as a result of the sinful nature of humans
This does not explain why god does not stop natural evil
God has a purpose that humans cannot understand fully and an opportunity to share the suffering Jesus experienced.
The world is a test to overcome humans natural evil and loving others. Without natural evil there would be no opportunity to help when people are in need.