Sinn Fein Year of Success 1918 + British actions

Irish Convention

LG replaced Asquith-wanted to halt SF + salvage IPP

aim to get internal settlement over HR instead from Downing Street

met for first time at Trinity College 25th July 1917

52 Nationalists, 26 Ulster Unionists, 9 SUs, 6 Labour + 2 Libs

SF not invited

Convention failed-Ulster Unionists implacable abt Ulster + need for permanent partition-led to fall out w/ IPP + SUs

Redmond prepared to allow some partition in order to get HR in 26 counties + improve position of IPP- prepared to abandon fiscal control over customs- fall out in IPP-announced on Jan 4th 1918

Redmond realised compromise over fiscal control too far-pulled out-humiliating for IPP

ultimate failure struck another savage blow to electoral chances of IPP + SF massive propaganda boost

1918-Year of Triumph

IPP managed to win 3 by-elections Feb-April 1918, S Armagh, E Tyrone + Waterford=sobering effect on SF

April 1918 after major German offensive on W front, LG enforced conscription in Ireland-army needed 150,000 troops-Military Service Bill April 10th 1918-passed April 16th

IPP, SF + Labour met together at Mansion House-De Valera drafted anti-conscription, "resist conscription by most effective means at our disposal"-general strike April 23rd everywhere except Belfast

public turned to SF, as Redmond + IPP linked w/ Irish involvement in war, SF always anti-war

coming together of SF + Catholic clergy, enormous benefit, ended perception that SF were nothing more than dangerous + unpredictable revolutionaries

British shelved plans of conscription

May 1918 new Viceroy, Lord French, 17th ordered arrest of entire SF leadership, Collins knew of plot and let them be arrested due to good publicity it would cause-73 arrested, public mood even more pro-SF + jailed Griffith won by-election victory in E Cavan

July, fake German Plot within SF French banned all meetings of SF, IV, Cumann na mBan + Gaelic League-heightened public indignation

WW1 ended, General Election, SF 4 point manifesto

abstain from Westminister

SF would use "any and every means available to render impotent power of England to hold Ireland in subjection"

establish own Constituent Assembly

go to Paris Peace Conference to stake Ireland's claim for independence

won 73 seats, Unionists won 26 + IPP only 6

first election under Universal Franchise, all men 21+, women 30+, Irish electorate from 700,000 to 2 million