2.0 Nontechnical-Nonscientific Approach (Postmodernist, Postconstructivist Perspective) also known as postmodern or postconstructivist,
stresses the subjective, personal, aesthetic, heuristic, spiritual, social, and transactional. It favors child-centred with a systematic approach.
2.2 Slattery’s Approach to Curriculum Development -- provides an opportunity to reflect on one's own teaching philosophy by reviewing the academic scholarship of the classical, new classical, and postmodern scholars within the pedagogy of curriculum development.
2.3 Doll's Model's Curriculum Development -- or known as Doll’s Four R’s provides a theoretical model (Richness - the depth of curriculum, Recursion - the repeating pattern, Relation - pedagogical and cultural relations, and Rigor - the recognition of students' level of thinking) for creating a curriculum.