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Eng Hum Midterm Exam, 7.1 The Geography of Greece, 7.2 Life in Ancient…
Eng Hum Midterm Exam
Art & Architecture
Social Class
Job Specialization
Public Works
7.3 The City-State and Democracy
city state (or
:one: a political unit made up of a city and its surrounding lands :two: The basic form of government :three: includes numerous villages :four: became common in 700BC :five: mountains limited their size :six: The largest city-states are Sparta & Athens :seven: 50~500 square miles, less than 20000 residents :eight: small->close community :nine: every city-state are independent and have their own political system
Government (Political Systems)
first: Monarchy
earliest form
ruled by queen or king
second: Aristocracy
ruled by upper class/nobles
they're identified as people descended from high-born ancestors
third: Oligarchy
ruled by the few
rule because of wealth or land ownership
Fourth: Tyranny
ask poor people to support him
People who took power in an illegal way (without royal birth)
some provide jobs, some cancel debts
if people unite, then they could gain the power to make
Fifth: citizenship and Democracy
class demand more political power
citizen: only male adult
upper class
Have power
lower class
ask for a major change
2 more items...
Direct Democracy: more citizen participate
Indirect Democracy:
elect representatives
Ostracize: be voted for dangers, sent for 10 years away
rule because of their inherited social class.
Agora: center of city life, open space, came for business and public gatherings
Acropolis: meaning high citym militray purpose
Civilization: complex society that has features like well-organzied government, cities, and job specialization.
form in fertile valleys surrounded by major rivers
when city grew larger and gain more power, it becomes a civilization, Depend on resources
Cultue: shared, learned beliefs and values that helps create a persons's thoughts and behavior
Language, Customs, Religion, Music, Food, Clothing, Holiday, Beuty Standards, Manners
7.1 The Geography of Greece
The mainland sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea, it's a peninsula. A gulf of water divided it into two, the southern peninsula was called Peloponnesus (
Isthmus connecting two lands
1. Landscapre and Climate
mountains cover most of the lands
made transportation difficult
major rivers
rugged landscape
hard to unite under single government
warm climate
encourage outdoor life (like athletic competitions)
2. Agriculture
rocky land
small land good for farming
most farm took places in valleys
more than half are farmers and herders
land owners
can pay for equipments and defend homeland
high place in society
were in
upper class
found colonies to get more farm land (eg western end of Anatolia had broad plains and rivers)
open plains
: grain, olive trees
lower slopes on hills: grapevines
sheep and goats graze on infertile lands
3. resources
lacked resources (like metals)
two resources
stone for building
coastline for harbors
4. seafaring people
use sea as transportation routes
built ships for fighting and
people became skilled sailors and shipbuilders
sail to other regions
source of fish
5. Trade and commerce
produce surplus olive oil, wine, wool, and fine pottery
Trade with regions around the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
(Egypt and Italy)
bought: grain, timber, animal hides, slaves
(, figs (
, cheese flax
Mycenaean Civilization
(named after city Mycenae)
first Greek civilization
built on the Peloponnesus
among hills & surrounded by a protective wall (easy to defend)
a king ruled each city
culture: writing, jewelry, fine pottery, bronze weapons
do not know 1200BC~750BC
learned from other people
Phoenician developed alphabet for recording trade
Greeks borrow Phoenician alphabet of 22 letters
(900BC ~ 800BC)
Greeks added 2 letters
Today: evolved into 26 letters
invented in Anatolia
Greek make own coin
7.2 Life in Ancient Greece
Gods of Greece
polytheism: believe in many gods
involved in life, people make vivid stories about them
had both divine and human qualities (for example, emotions)
competed with each other
human like (in contrast to Egypt: not animal headed)
ruler of the gods
lived on Mount Olympus
Each city
stories people tell to explain belief about their world
begin as oral stories
explain the creation of the world and of human beings (eg Pandora)
described the gods and goddesses and how they related
to one another and to humans (eg Prometheus)
portrayed Greek heroes and heroines (eg Atalanta)
Honoring the Gods
created statues and temples
special events
Holy festivals-celebrate
eg: honor 12 Olympic gods
The Olympics
games held every four years
honor Zeus
oldest records date to 776 B.C
first: only footrace after: more activities
also festival that honor Hera
worshiped each god for a specific purpose
important because angry god cause trouble
Epics by Homer (blind)
portrayal of heroes:Achilles
adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus
influence speech and art today
short story
usually involving animals
teaches a moral lesson.
credited to a Greek named Aesop
contradictory (some think slave, some think not existed)
example: The
Hare and the Tortoise
Key Terms
city-state: political unit made of a city and its surrounding land
: Greek word for city states
): ruled by queen or king, earliest form
): ruled by upper class
): government ruled by a few powerful individuals
Tyranny: (
): autocratic form of rule in which one individual achieved illegally, some of the tyrants help poor and cancel debts
: (
): citizens make decisions
Direct: all citizens
Indirect: elect representatives
citizen: person who is loyal to and protected by a state/nation
ostracize: to send someone away from the city-state for ten years
Solon & Cleisthenes: two leaders (more info at the 7.3 reading)
Peloponnesus: Southern Part of Greece, formed by peninsula
Peninsula: land surrounded by water
Phoenician: people of southern Asia
Isthmus:strip of land that connects two lands
Minoan: civilization
advanced in ship building and sea trading
on island of Greece
Mycenaean: The first civilization on the Peloponnesus
named after city Mycenae
Bronze Age, 2000BC to 1100BC
among hills, surrounded by walls
Aegean Sea: east
Branches of Mediterranean Sea, relatively small, can be used to sail to other region
Ionian Sea: west
Mediterranean Sea:
largest in Greece
at south of Greece
sail to trade
Zeus: rule of the Greek Gods
Mt. Olympics: highest mountain in Greece, home of the gods
Epic: Long poems about a hero's adventure
Fable: short story that involves animals and teaches a moral
Myth: stories that people tell to explain beliefs about thei world
Illiad & Odyssey: Homer's two great expic (background: Trojan War)
Illiad: Portray heroes, such as Achilles
Odyssey: adventure of Odysseus trip to home
Trojan War
Beggining: Trojan stole wife of a Greek king
did find place, but not exactly the same as The Illiad depicted
Mediterranean Sea
Aegean Sea
Ionian Sea
Background: Trojan War
started because a Trojan (a resident of Troy) stole the wife of a Greek king. The Greeks gathered a great army and sailed to the city of Troy. They surrounded the city and spent more than nine years fighting the Trojans and trying to capture their city.
A real war did take place
there, but it did not happen exactly as the Iliad portrays it.
TIP: chronological order
By 700 BC, most city-state change from Monarchy to Aristocracy
“Greek city-states, an oligarchy replaced aristocratic rule. In others, the aristocrats and the oligarchs shared power.”
overthrow the oligarchies
Nobles: 6