Alienation - 4 types
Marx - Proletariat are alienated because they cannot fulfil their human nature - humans are different to animals because we don't just live for survival (e.g. creativity, art, puritanical myth of laziness) - capitalism makes humans work for survival, which isn't our full human nature (we are misses a passionate, expressive, creative channel)
Alienation from self - disconnected from personal interests/identity
e.g. if you work producing things you don't care about all day you feel disconnected from yourself
Alienation from others - viewing others as competition, difficulty connecting (mental and physical fatigue)
Alienation from species being - disconnected from our human nature - Proletariat does not own their labour/time and productivity has become specialised (loss of all other skills and working becomes boring and repetitive, no transfer between industries - HUMAN NATURE IS TO BE A JACK OF ALL TRADES)
eg) refining subjects you study at school at GCSE and A-level aims to create a specialised workforce
Alienation from goods - workers feel disconnected from what they are producing
e.g. products not linked to their interests or values - they are just working to gain money to survive in Capitalist system
Example - BBC Panorama Amazon Warehouse documentary
- high production targets - eg 100 per hour
- no connection to products they're scanning for delivery
- reply on employment there to survive