Italy at the beginning of the XX Century
Industry was finally developing
The south remained backward ,agriculture based on latifondo
unempolyed increased,
only solution was to emigrate
King was Vittorio Emanuele III
Giolitti Prime Minister 1900-1914=Giolittian era
MInister of internal affairs.
workers were a resource for
Italy, so he favoured dialogue between industrialists & workers
Achievements of his government:
education compulsory until 12 years
prohibition to work for children younger than
12 years;
reduction of the working hours
maternity protection, oldĀage
pension and invalidity pension;
the paid rest day.
South Italy:
The laws supporting the workers were not applied
Giolitti did not want to lose the support of the
great landowners
He decided to conquer Libya. It was a poor
strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea.
Italian nationalists, thought by conquering Lybia ,restore Italy's international
prestige and solve the problem of migrants.
Italians thought it would be an easy conquest because it was of the Ottoman Empire
took more than a year,huge
military expenses, to succeed,soldiers were brutal
Libya was
arid and desert.
Universal male suffrage (1912)
Bourgeoisie was concerned that the socialisr party obtained majority in parliament
tried to get the
votes of the Catholics.
Ptto Gentiloni
Catholics voted liberals but they needed to disapruve the laws against the church
Socialist party got many votes.
March 1914, Giolitti was forced
to resign.
mediating to get
the majority in Parliament.
others said he was "Ministro
della malavita", acused of TRASFORMISMO