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Westwood Adventure Park - Coggle Diagram
Westwood Adventure Park
The system must be able to allow Amaya and her staff to:
navigate the system via an easy Human Computer Interface (HCI)
minimise errors in the data
record each booking transaction
calculate and output the price paid for each booking
calculate and output the total income for each activity
produce charts of the data held, such as the number of bookings for each activity
produce a draft report to summarise the bookings to date.
Amaya wants the new computer system to:
store details about the people who have made advanced bookings for hoverboards and electric scooters
calculate the income generated from each booking
calculate the income form each activity
produce visual representations of the data manipulated using the spreadsheet software.
The following assets have been provided for testing the new computer system:
- contains details of the people who have made bookings
- contains details about the activities and the prices of the activities
- contains details of the booking transactions that have been made
- the logo for Westwood Adventure Park
- the test plan for the new computer system