9.1-The beginning of the Middle Age
From the Middle Ages to the Middle Age:
the three states of the realm:
peasants, traders, craftmen, doctors, jurists
1.- Society and the feudal economy
the basic structure of society
the same of the Middle Ages
the social groups were divided
the nobles
in the top of the pyramid was
the king
had a lot of privladges estates
the most important members of the nobility were:
the didn't pay taxes
lords of feudal manors
they didn't work
they collected tithes for their benefit
they didn't pay taxes to the king
they hadn't justice system
they have to pay taxes
they were judge
by there lords
Collective Privileges: Cities
they granted cities priviledges
the city council
the cities enjoy them
enjoying monopolies a
administering justice
collecting taxes
but they also were
they were for all cities
restricted to its richest member
rich traders
2.-Monarch and their Kingdoms
Political and social conflict
State courts and parliaments
the political system was organised
Monarchies of the 16th century
in the same way that hey do it in society
feudal lords
armed conflict
between nobles
between groups of citizens
the monarchs and priviledge groups
they could negotiate
in their kingdom
under the kings authority
the kigndoms moved together to create composite monarchies
they were also
the most they lived
they were made up of equal kigdoms
this kigdoms maitaned there
other independent political entities
actued like kigdoms
Emperor offer more than real power
Basic Traits of a new Era
the holy roman empire
was a political entity
with little internal cohesion
gave more prestige
than real power
Religious changes
Social changes
Cultural changes
Political changes
Economic Changes
The Factors behind geographical discovery
In the 15/16 centuries were a lot of new discoveries
but they could change this:
going to the church
getting rich
doing military career
unless it has agreed in parliament
the administered the justice
they collected the taxes
look after soul of people
they was more trade
they used the money to discoveries
livestock farming and agriculture
the main economic activities
because there was also
they increased a lot
financial activities
craft trade
they were new:
Prainted press:
cultural monuments (humanism)
artictic styles
made more people teach culture
they were discovered more continets
was a time of intolerance with prestige
Jews and Muslims
there were a lot of wars
between christians
somes wanted to change the authority of the Pope
common people become diverse
because of the grwth of cities
appeared burgeoisie
the demography increase
although courts and parliaments
the monarchies gained power
didn't disappear
nobles, burgeoisie and clergry participate in goverments
Political and religious factors
Sociological factors:
Economic factors
the traditional trade route was change
Europeans needed
gold, silverm silk and spices
cinnamon, cloves, peppel, nutmeg and ginger
were used to preserve food and to give another taste
there was a conflict with Islam
in other European Kingdoms
In the Iberian Peninsula
exist the crusades
book:travel of Marco Polo
the spirit of renaissance
inspired people to explore
Scientific and technical factors:
they appear new boats
carracks and caravels
they started to think that te world
was round not flat