Zoe (Etienne) + Camila + Isabell + Henrike
Mexican issues
problems especially young people have to deal with
global issues
climate change
fears of future
iranian revolution
consequences of capitalism
dark sides of social media
the patriarchy
opression of women
gender pay gap
global warming
child labor
fast fashion
unperpayed workers
search for fulfilment
they want to fit in
violence especially towards women
sexual abuse
Kids working on the streets
drug abuse
Bad education, ignorance
Food and water
They caught Chapo's son
They lead to a lot of violence and an ambiance of terror that little kids actually want to follow as a modism. Also leads to economical problems and corruption
Repercussions can be dangerous
Over 4 000 000 of children don't attend to school, that leads children to immoral acts while they grow up and impedes the country to develop correctly.
Mexico is still a developping country so there is a lot of injustices and not so much associations that help for examlpe homelessness or pensions for older people.
UK issues
Since parents can't afford paying everything for their family, or sometimes they are under addictions or they don't want to, they send kids to work. This is supposed to be illegal because most of the times they're in awful conditions (under the sun, bad pays, they breathe the cars pollution...). That is very problematic because kids should be at school or playing.
health system = NHS
In Mexico, the misinformation leads to a terrible machism that includes a lot of violence and makes our country the one with the most femicides per day.
The social media can be really dangerous for teenagers and kids that are not mature enough to face its diverses problematics like the incredible amount of comparison, all the hate, the misinformation, the fakeness etc...
In the world, more than 77% of the women have been sexually harassed. These statistics show how in Mexico you can't trust anyone because the violence towards women is everywhere, even in you own home.
In Mexico, 70.1 % of women aged 15 years and over have experienced, at least a situation of violence throughout life.
psychological violence was the most prevalent (51.6%),
followed by sexual violence (49.7%).
Home violence (45.6%)
the intra- relationships violence (39.9%)
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German issues
coal mining
war between russia and ukraine
lack of gas
Mexico has spent its first two decades of competitive, multiparty democracy in the grips of drug related violence and dealing with its long past of corruption and clientelism. Bribery, embezzlement and procurement corruption are all common practices in Mexican public service.
Nowadays kids and teens are struggling more and more to find their identity and it's linked with the search of fulfilment in social media.
Young people need to fit in the new trendings that are coming, the new fashions even though they don't like them or they can't afford them because if they not, they will be excluded from our society.
Not enough
Bad quality
The insufficient salarys lead to a wrong alimentation with ingredients of very low quality.
Alcohol in the UK is actually really cheap, that's why a lot of people drink in big quantities. In England there are an estimated of around 600 thousand dependent drinkers.
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