TOK Prompts
- What makes a good explanation
- How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion
- To what extent is 'certainly' attainable
The explanation is widely accepted and is taught in schools because it is true and is supported by scientific evidence. This example shows that good explanations in natural sciences are those that are supported by evidence. The evidence makes them true because they can be reproduced by other experts.
A belief that is known to be accurate is knowledge, and a belief that MAY not be accurate is an opinion. Knowledge is based on a fact or a good source, belief is mainly based on emotions, and opinions can be seen as a combination of the two as there are some facts involved and also saturated with emotions.
Certainty is entirely attainable in some fields. 2+2=4. It's 100% certain because we defined it that way. Anything in the natural world has some degree of uncertainty (we can't even be certain it exists).
Explanations must show the difference between outcomes (the technical term is that they be contrastive).
Explanations must be relevant; the most likely explanation is not always the best explanation for a person and statistical generalizations (based on probabilities) are perceived as unsatisfying.
Explanations may be incomplete; they can show one or two specific selected causes, and not necessarily the complete cause of an event.
Epistemology on Belief, Knowledge and Opinion
Knowledge is based on some verifiable fact or a good quality scientific or logical method. Belief is based mostly on emotions. An opinion is normally a combination of the two: there are some facts involved but they are saturated with emotions.
Certainly Attainable Extent
Exhibition Example
Explanations should be believable: they are part of a social process where knowledge is transferred in a conversation or interaction, and presented in relation to the explainer’s beliefs about the explainee’s beliefs.
Four Essential Elements of an Explanation
The explanation should be aligned with the users’ beliefs
The explanation should indicate that relevant data is used to train the model
The explanation should indicate how to distinguish situations where the model is not applicable
The explanation should be transparent by not being complex and following common reasoning patterns.
Example Exhibition:
Although these definitions seem totally different, it is often difficult to distinguish between “what we truly know” from “what we believe to be true”. This is because we never have the time, skills, materials and will to carefully check every single thing in life, so we have to rely on information supplied by others. Also, human process of learning is really very effective for survival in the warm climate wilderness, but when we apply it to science, moral judgement and other important things, we find that it is prone to all sorts of cognitive biases and logical errors.
So, to know what we know, we need to really carefully examine the evidence and the biases involved in its gathering and interpretation. Asking himself “what do I really know” Descartes arrived to the conclusion that “I think, therefore I am” is just about the only thing that can reliably be known and proceeded to develop his theory based on that.
Beliefs, on the other hand, are subjective (in that they are primarily held by an individual and are not verified by any objective method of verification), nevertheless they are high on the sense of certitude. It is important to remember that certitude does not mean infallibility; rather it merely indicates how sure one feels about one’s beliefs. Of course, someone could also hold a ‘belief’ loosely. But we shall retain the term opinion for such, irrespective of what is held—be it something as insignificant as a preference for certain food or something as significant as an article of religious faith. A belief, therefore, would be characterised by something stronger, and in some cases, it could be so strong that we may call it conviction. Despite how significant it may be for someone, a belief has nothing in itself that makes it necessarily true—neither the sense of certitude accompanying a belief nor the total sincerity with which a belief is held can assure the truth of the belief.
Unlike opinion or belief, Knowledge, especially propositional knowledge (we aren’t talking about knowledge in the sense of an ability or a skill but a statement or an affirmation that is either true or false) is a belief that can be verified and understandably carries with it a high sense of certitude. In fact, a classical account of knowledge defines it as “justified true belief.” By that definition, knowledge has to fulfil the criteria: a) of being a belief, b) of being true, and c) of being justified.
Opinions are generally held loosely with a low sense of certitude. They are also subjectively held and need not be shared by others. They could be about preferences for a certain type of music, or tastes pertaining to food, or views about politics or a particular sport. It would really be silly to argue against my friend’s opinion that the best dosas are made in Bangalore. And even if I were to argue that the best ones are made in Chennai, our positions merely indicate what our preferences are rather than the “truth” about it.
Certainty about the material world is beyond our reach, but this, too, is not certain.
This is a no-brainer. Any information our brain receives from the environment needs to be interpreted against the data received in the past and stored in the brain itself. Everything we know is inside our brain. Everything we believe about our environment and the world is based on information inside our brain. All the information we have inside our brain is based on data received in the past.
The brain keeps us alive and as confortable as possible given the circumstances, it does not provide us with knowledge about the world because there is no possibility that it does that.
Still, this is not certain and we believe we know.
Certainly Meaning
Certainty (psychological) A belief is psychologically certain when the subject who has it is supremely convinced of its truth.
Standford Ecnyclopedia of Philosphy - Certaintiy Article