The Commander’s car is “black, of course, the colour of prestige or a hearse” which implies his masculinity is exaggerated, which in turn, gives him power and authority. In addition, the colour connotes to sin, evil and death, linking to Victor’s sin of usurping God, using religious imagery like “pilgrimage,” “white steeple” and “disciple.” Line between science and religion is blurred. The Wives wear blue, and Serena Joy’s eyes are described to be “the flat hostile blue of a midsummer sky in bright sunlight, a blue that shuts you out.” Sky represents freedom and unlimited possibilities, yet the “shuts you out” highlights the restrictions that Gilead now imposes. The regime removes individuality and prevents emotional contact, which directly relates to the monster fighting for his individual liberty by demanding “you must create a female for me” and his loneliness and uniqueness where there is “none like me.”